
MEAN....What Do I do???

by Guest45112  |  earlier

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Hello. Well lately my mom has been really mean. Like she just yells a lot about everything until I feel like I can't do ANYTHING right!

I did something stupid recently. I lost my brand new dance shoes....and she freaked. of course I expected that..."I'm gonna take you outta dance and put you into something harder where you will be tortured!" or "I'm gonna talk to you're teacher, and make you dance without shoes! you'll be the only one! that will teach you." That's the normal stuff..I was ready for that and fully expected it.

But she recently caught me off guard... here's what she said.

"You're so stupid...GOSH! you're just so DUMB! ALL YOU KNOW HOW TO DO IS RUIN MY LIFE!!!" I had never heard her speak so harshly. I sat quietly and listened...and after she went into silent rage mode...I fell asleep after the long day of school. I awoke at 12 to the echos in my mind...only what I heard was "I hate you and wish you had never been born" I cried and then did my homework in the bathroom...and I hoped she wouldn't be mad forever well i found the shoes and shes not mad...but ocassionally more snappy than usual....its been going for a few days. What do I do???




  1. is she having her period? just a guess

  2. next time she throws rubbish at you like that - say

    'well, dont worry, as soon as im 18, i;l finish high school and get a job so i can move out and stop wreaking your life. Until then-' and this is when you start to cry -'You'll just have to bear the mistake that you made. Sorry --- (and then call her by her first name.) Storm out of the room and dont speak to her for a fortnight. Make the woman crawl to you. It is the only way you will stop this c**p.

    what a b*tch she is to you.. im really sorry  

  3. Your mother is wrong; you are not stupid! You are NOT dumb! You are smart, articulate and worthwhile! You might want to tell someone, mainly a trusted adult, such as a teacher, uncle, best friend's mom, church member, grandparents, aunt, just pick a trusted adult. The only stupidity that I see comes from your mother.

    BTW, my mother does the same thing to me, except that she called me a "son of a ***** and a ******* s***w-up and I am so sorry that happened to you. You might want to talk to her and tell her that what she said to you really hurt your feelings and that she wouldn't like it when anyone hurt her feelings, and maybe she'll realize her mistakes. You might also want to try lots of counselling cuz you deserve it.

  4. Maybe shes on her period haha :) Jk

  5. Well if she's never been like this before, maybe she's under pressure or going through something you don't know about. She also could be going through menapause and this changes a woman's mood horrendously at different points. You never know when it's coming. I would say you should sit down and talk to your mother about this and see what's going on. People don't act like this for no reason. It could even be mental but I bet you it has something to do with her hormones or something has happened and she hasn't shared it with you. Just talk to her, that's all you can do.

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