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I want to join the military but my parents say that americans dont appreciate us enough and a lot of them treat us like c**p so he says its not worth risking my life. I was born here in the states but my parents are from mexico. and STILL if i had a dollar for everytime ive been called a wet back throughout high school there wouldnt be enough trees to make the money. should i just ignore those racist and serve this country?




  1. Well, if you are 18 or older, do what you want to do. Nobody can tell you not to join the military. And by the way, did your mother and father come here legally and have they gotten their green cards or citizenship? And if your parents hate Americans and all that they do, why are they still living in America?  I'm not intending to sound racist by asking you this, but I'm just wondering if your father is a racist. Americans don't hate The Mexican people because of their race. We just don't like the fact that many Mexicans ignore our laws, and offend us by doing so, come into the US illegally, get to put their children into our school system, which has to have bi lingual speaking teachers, a give them free breakfast and lunch, and to give free health care to those who abuse the system. I don't hate you or your family. I do however hate the fact that people cross our border illegally everyday, and even shoot at our law enforcement agents when caught. It is the 12 to 20 million illegals that are here and have been for more than 20 years and get away with it that upset us.

    Your father is wrong, protecting the lives of the people that hate you because of your race is exactly why this country is as great as it is.

    If I have offended you, I sincerely apologize, that was not my intent.

  2. sure. you may even get more respect by serving in the Marines. good-luck to you!

  3. Take a note from troops like the Tuskeegee Airmen.  And the Navajo code talkers.  And my uncles who were, like you, first generation Americans of Mexican descent and served in WWII.  Sometimes serving your country can help open doors that would otherwise remain closed.

  4. There are negative people every where. If you want to join do it. There are thousands of parents that doesn't want their children to join the military.After you join and start sending money back to them they probably appreciate  the choice you made. Think about where your life is at the moment...if its not all that great you might as well going with your life.  

  5. It's not everyone who hates us Mexicans. Do what you think is right. Do what YOU want to do. The Marine who introduced me to my husband was a Mexican, who was born in Mexico, and died in Iraq in 2003. He was not even a U.S. citizen at the time that he died. He was about to become a U.S. citizen when he died, and they awarded him posthumous citizenship after he died. He died serving a country that he was proud to be in. He appreciated all of the things our country has to offer. You choose to live here, so why not support it? Not to be mean, but if your dad doesn't believe in fighting for this country, then what is he doing here?

    EDIT: Mr. Puma, what exactly are you talking about? For one, Mexicans can be Americans, just like me. Second, White people disobey the laws of America just as well as some of the Mexicans do. And third, you don't HAVE to be bilingual to teach in America. My sister is a high school teacher who doesn't know a l**k of Spanish....or any other language besides English.

  6. if you really love this country, serve it, we need good men of all races to join it man

  7. Tell u what! I was born in Mexico raised here in the US I am also planing to join the military. Ill tell u one thing many people think that hispanics cant succeed and u kw what they are wrong because we could succeed.People are always going to criticize you no matter were your from or what u do, u need to think about what u want their is many opportunities out there and many hispanic people are scare to take them for the same reason because other people try to intimidate you! But we as Hispanics need to get up from being lazy and scare and show people what we are made off, See hispanic people are hard workers they are! See being in the military is not about protecting those raises people its to protect everyone here they are many hispanics and other cultures here also so if u are defending this country is to defend everyone u need to learn teach those people a lesson and let them see that you could succeed no matter what raise you are! So if u think that the military is for u go for it! Good Luck and don't be afraid of success!

  8. People are rude, as always will be. My father was born in Germany (his mother is full german and his father was serving in WWII at the time the met and just stayed there to have a family) He lived in Germany until he was 8 years old. When they finally moved back to the states, he didn't know much english and because of that, was teased all throughout school. They called him things like a n**i and little hitler. He finally learned english and quit speaking german all together. He joined the USCG and served for 28 years. He loved the military and still teaches classes to the Navy and CG. If you love your country, you should ignore all the racist comments and do what you want. It is your decision. I understand what your father is saying but you are an american, no matter what your background should be. If you want to fight for this country, I say go for it and be proud. Semper Fi!

  9. It's up to you if you wanna join. Just for the record, many Americans are against illegal immigrants, not Mexicans in particular. Racist people have nothing better to do than sit there and *****. Just ignore them and move on.

  10. once u join the marines, every marine is your brother. it is a brotherhood. you will trust your life in him and he will trust his life in you. Marines get a lot of respect!!! dont listen to your pappy!  it is you the bigger man that will ignore their vulgar comments and defend this country. i feel bad for you! you must have lived in a red neck community or something! where i grew up everyone got along but if someone stepped out of line then they get set back! also it's that they don't understand some people in the Hispanic community who raise the mexican flag. they are in america.

  11. I am person of Mexican decent serving in the US Navy, been in for 7 years and worked with a lot of marines. The military does not tolerate racism and is melting pot that is very open to diversity. Every part of the country is different and the one you were raised in might not be as tolerant as others, but that is not how the military works. The military does not judge you by the color of your skin or nationality, it judges you on how well you perform and how much motivation you have. I say go for it... you are born in the US which makes you a full blooded American, so if you want to serve your country and make a lot of people eat their words when they see how great you do, go for it.  

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