
MLB favorite team question?

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I have narrowed down my favorite 4 teams in the MLB: the Chicago White Sox, Oakland Athletics, Cincinnati Reds, and the Pittsburgh Pirates. What should be my favorite team and why shouldn't I like the other three teams?




  1. Reds aren't really promising?????

    I beg to differ,,,,Nah,I'll do it without begging.

    Here are 4 young reasons I like the Reds.


    Here are some old reasons I like the Reds.

    Rose-Bench-Morgan-Ken Griffey (Sr.+Jr.)

    I admit I'm an Ohio sports nut,but the Reds' have the best young talent in all of baseball.


  2. How do you not have a favorite!? Are you just beginning to like baseball or something? I'd go with the A's... best of the bunch.

  3. If you want your team to be the most successful over the next 5-10 years, you should "choose" to like the Cincinnati Reds.

    The Chicago White Sox have an aging team with only one really emerging star in Carlos Quentin.  They do not have a lot of top level prospects, have a susceptible pitching staff (which has done unexplainably well to this point), and a couple of aging cornerstone players like Thome, Konerko, and Dye who will all be difficult to replace.

    Both the Pirates and Oakland Athletics are low market clubs who will have difficulty competing in the playoffs simply because they do not generate the revenue, and therefore cannot afford the payroll, of most other playoff contending teams.

    The Reds on the other hand have a handful of talented young players.  Edison Volquez and Cueto (possibly Homer Bailey as well) are both emerging as legitimate aces behind Aaron Harang.  Jay Bruce is going to fill the void being left by Ken Griffey Jr. and Adam Dunn gives them plenty of power.

    The Reds are certainly the team with the most potential of this bunch and they have the best chance at turning into a dominant team.

  4. I think you should be a fan of the Oakland Athletics, it may be a year or so before there good but they have a brilliant farm system filled with talent, I think in a few years they could be a real dominant threat in the Major Leagues.

    White Sox- are sometimes are good team than a horrible team.

    Reds- Aren't really promising.

    Pirates- Overall a bad team.

  5. i hate the sox. but they are in first. the a's r doin okay, the reds have alot of well and repsect players. but not the pirates they have the statdium but not the team. the a;s no they prbaly wont make theplayoffs the angels r to godd. so thw white sox they have good players, and they r in firstc place

  6. Well personally I think you'd be better off liking the Reds at this point because their young talent is coming through BIG TIME this year, and they look like a team that will be making quite a bit of noise in years to come.  Volquez and Jay Bruce are probably the top 2 rookies in pitching and offense in all of baseball.

    The only other option would be the Whitesox because they are in first place right now and have won a championship over the last 5 years.  But I dislike the antics of Ozzie Guillen and I think their team is getting old fast and will have troubles competeing down the line.  

    The Athletics constantly have players who dont live up to their potential.  Harden is probably one of the 5 best pitchers in all of baseball when healthy, but the problem is that he is NEVER healthy for very long.  Crosby was touted as one of the best up and coming SS in the game, but he has not panned out nearly as well as expected.  Their team is basically stuck in mediocrity and not looking as though they will find their way out any time soon.  

    The Pirates are a joke.  They will never take over the Philly's for fan control in their own state and their market is so small that it makes it almost impossible for them to keep star players when a new contract needs to be negotiated.  They have some decent players but I just dont see them making a run at the Series any time in the near future.

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