
MMA?Lightweight title fight?

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Do you think Sean Sherk deserves a title fight so soon?




  1. yes

  2. Yes, definitely.  He was the champ before he was convicted of steroid use, and he never lost the belt in a fight.  With all the controversy surrounding the case, I definitely think he deserves it.  Some may say Huerta or Florian deserve it, but Sherk beat Florian and Huerta has yet to beat a real contender.

  3. Yes, it does't matter because BJ is going to beat  him.

  4. Yeah he is regaining what is his. Plus all the steroid contraversy this will show wether of not he is a legit fighter.

  5. he never lost a lw title fight so why not?  at this exact moment there is no other legit number one contender.  once huerta and florian fight we'll have a new number one contender but until then this is the best possible fight

  6. Yes, but I'm hoping BJ Penn absolutely destroys Sean "The Steroid Shark" Sherk. One of Sherk's strengths was his brute power and cardio. With the steroids gone, Sherk is going to lose a substantial amount of strength and will not be able to train as hard for his cardio. GO BJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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