
MOUSE in my House!?

by  |  earlier

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I just discovered I have a small mouse in my house! I have no mouse traps at the moment. I'm trying to lure it out by leaving some food. What would work best?

Please help, I'm freaking out!




  1. Lol Cheese Of course. They love cheese. ..uhh thats all i think. good luckk

  2. get a pail get a yard stick or similar length of wood smear some peanut butter halfway down the side of the pail make a ramp using the wood to the top of the pail from the floor when the little guy falls into the pail toss him outside

  3. well you need to put some coca-cola in a jar lid so he can drink it , he cant burp and it will kill him

  4. please, don't kill it! it didn't do anything to YOU!  just get it outside...

  5. jd is on a good track. borrow a cat.  I've done it. Just the acivity and smell of the cat was enough. the mouse was never seen again. the cat did'nt catch it but its gone

  6. A pest control service or mouse traps with cheese on them or those sticky pad things.

  7. get a cat.  if not feasible, get some glue traps they work fast and are safe- they love peanut butter

  8. bring it's predator.

    gud luck

  9. dont kill the mouse. i have 2 pet mice. how would u like it if the mouse didnt like u in "his" house and it poisened u??
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