
MTF s*x Change Question?

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I am 26 y.o. male who is bisexual and transgendered. Not a day has gone by in the past 15 years that I haven't wished I was a female, wanted b*****s, wanted to feel a baby growing inside me, wanted to feel the menstrual cramps and labor pains and everything else that goes with it. I have never been happy as a male. If I were to go through with a s*x change, how would that affect my body and mind? I understand I couldn't have children, but could I even have orgasms? Would I look female in all other aspects? I have never felt like a whole person and this is all I have ever wanted. I'm sick of feeling like I'm in a prison I cannot escape from. If there are any other MTF trans people (pre or post op) out there can you PLEASE help me?




  1. Okay, I'll try to answer all of it...

    First of all, get used to seeing yourself as female, start thinking, writing about yourself as a woman. Own that "she"!!

    I'm assuming you know that you won't be experiencing menstrual cramps.

    I know, I used to have dreams about being preggers too.

    YES!! As a post-op trans woman, chances are very good (probably something like 80-85%) sensate and orgasmic. Those SRS docs are gooooooood!!!

    When I started on's hard to describe. It almost felt like it was "cooler" inside my head. Little annoyances didn't bother me as much.

    Your skin will get much softer and as that happens you'll notice that you sense of touch is far more acute. The cold will bother you more. You will lose muscle mass and strength. You will experience breast development, your face will soften and feminize and You'll find the fat stores in your body being re-distributed to your hips and butt. Your waist will drift somewhere up close to your belly button instead of several inches below.

    If you are 26 you will probably be able to "pass" about six months into HRT.

    Good luck, this is a mixed blessing and a tough road but it is very rewarding.

  2. I am not really a transexual put I know alot for a g*y boy, Most likely they are going to put you through thearopy before you do the surgery just to get any problems out of the way and stuff or any emotional issues and kind of guide you along the way, And yes you will be able to have orgasms, what they do basically is turn your outty into an innie and they form the p***s and the s*****m to basically be a v****a, I havent seen any of the surgeries but I have heard alot about them, you may wanna do some research on the web, and see some documentaries, their is one called transgeneration which documents some F to M and M to F transexuals and one M to F even gets the sergery, A great movie to watch is a movie called Transamerica which stars Felicity Huffman playing a M to F Transexual who is about to get the surgery and discovers she has a son and so on, that would get you to a good start and maybe be able to compare yourself to someone at least somehow, Feel free to contact me if you would like any help or if you want me to help you do some research or need someone to talk to : ) e-mail or myspace,

    And promise me if and when you get the big surgery you dont go to a foreign country or some hack doctor!

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