
MY Final question? Please answer?

by  |  earlier

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i appreciate all the answers from atheists and all believers of god,

in my last 3 questions you can check them if you want, most of the atheists answered kindly and in an explaining way, but the believers in god seemed irritated and some even irate trying to defend their religion when they are the majority and atheism is the minority and a few of them were understanding.

What is your take on that?

please don't say rude things like go back to sixth grade or you misspelled something jut answer the question.




  1. Atheists are generally more tolerant and open-minded than theists who believe their way is the only way.

  2. Atheists and other 'non-believers' tend to be more open to ideas and more ready to look at things from a logical and reasonable point of view.  Especially when it comes to contributors on this list/forum.

  3. Mostly because christians always feel they have to defend...where atheists...well...we don't have to defend anything at naturally we aren't defensive about anything.  For christians...its always about trying to explain how you aren't crazy.

  4. First, I can not read the answers to your first two questions; unless i also answer them, I to am doing research, to view the other answers without answering could possible skew my data.

    Second, According to my data thus far;  the  atheists far out number the others here @ R&S, all inclusive.

    Third, My answer; Most atheists @ R&S are verbally abusive, rude, practice a "Low brow" form of humor. Attack Christians at any opportunity, show no sign of supervised upbringing, present  no informed arguments accept (For the links) and provide vary little  culturally relevant contributions to the forum.

    Finally, I would not bet your scholarship on the accuracy of your collected data, Thus far.

    All the best to you.


    Example just for you;

    Advice on verbal abuse?

    Hey I need your advice I want to report my mother to social services for child abuse for saying untrue things about me. I threw ketchup around in McDonalds and it got on some people’s clothes and this ladies coach purse. My mom saw what I did wigged out and diss me in there called me a baby told me I need maybe go back to wearing diapers again and sit in a high chair wearing a bib. can I bring her up on charges for saying that to me?

    One answer to the question;

    Just give her a backhand across the face... make it reasonably hard so that she remembers... and fears you.

    This is not an isolated example, but the general behavior of many.

  5. You're on Yahoo Answers.  That explains it.

  6. theist feel the need to defend their religion because most people are realizing its a fraud

  7. My take is religion is bureaucratic.

    In government, when a bureau is instituted, its normally for the benefit of large groups of people, but over time, it focuses less on its original mission, and more on the perpetuation of the bureau.

    It is the same with religion.

    In the beginning, religion might have served a legitimate, altruistic purpose. Over time, it has focused less and less on teaching people the proper way of treating each other (teaching a man to fish) and more about the perpetuation of the institution. Priests and ministers spend a lot of time and money on their educations. Do you seriously think they want to have to find a real job?

  8. Some people just are always on the offensive and it hurts me that so many people don't believe in God and it may effect others in a different way and make them lash out

  9. What is your question ???


  10. I agree on you coz many people call them christians but in reality they are this will prove i was right.if someone claim to be a christian without receiving the fruits of the holy spirit are not worthy to be God's disciples.fruits of the spirits are love, joy, peace, patience and so i guess those who call them christians but are not answering your question in the right way better ask themselves again "am i a christian".so now what do you think?

  11. Generalizations are dangerous, dude.  Especially generalizations about people.

    But I'm glad that you've been getting good responses.

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