
Macbook internet help??

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Can you put internet on a Macbook?? If you can, how?




  1. Sort of...

    Macbooks come with a program called "Safari". It's a web browser like Internet Explorer or Firefox.

    Your Macbook will need to be connected to the internet. You need an internet service provider and either a wireless connection or a physical connection to a modem or router.

  2. You're going to have to provide some specifics, and a lot of them.

    How old is your Macbook? If it's relatively new, then it comes with Airport, which automatically searches for wireless networks.

    What kind of internet? If you want wireless and your macbook is pretty new, then you are set. Just connect to one of the wireless conections, open Safari (the internet browser) and start surfing.

    Are you wanting service for your house? Decide if you wireless or DSL, then call a provider such as AT&T or the cable company. They will set you up with a connection that is (if you get wireless) password protected so that no one can hack in to it.

  3. im not sure i think all u need is the connection from the Macbook Company

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