
Machine deck help?

by  |  earlier

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my deck (i just started yugiooh agian so help me)

8 traps

16 spells

24 monsters

48 cards lol

im a noob.. do not no anything about machines

(what i need to add or take out)



cyber dragon x2 need 1 more

b.e.s tetran

perfect machine king


the light hex sealed fusion?

steam roid

exiled force

drillroid x2

heavy mech suport platform...

machanicachaser x3

adheisive explosive

gear golem the moving fortress

cyber barrier drag..

machician of faith

proto cyberx3

cyber phoenix x2

penguin soldier

kurioboah( needs to go)

mystical space typhone

different demsion capsule x 2

limited removalx 2

premature burial

lighting vortex

7 completed

brain control



fusion sage

swords ..

future fusion

smashing ground

magical mallet

wepon change


retururn soul helps with cyber dragon)

dark mirror force

call of the haunted

torrential tribute

bottomless trap hole

sakuretsu armour

attack refelector

drainging shield




  1. you need to take a look at the ban list. cyber dragon is at 2 and sangan is at 1 for example.

    dont use poly, instead use power bond. quite a big fix needed. basically i would suggest, jinzo vyber valley, non of the ohter types of cyber dragon except proto, and morphing jar. havent given you a full fix by far so i'm sorry 4 that. try and have your deck at 20 monsters and 20 spell/traps. perfect 40 will always work best. to many traps and to many cards that dont reli have anything to do witht he theme. be ruthless and think how does that help with this deck.

    Call is banned, magicain of faith is banned, monster reborn is back, limiter is at. believe it or not kuriboh isnt actually an terrible card in this deck as if they survie the 1 turn kill and then use brain control on your monster then your gonna need a counter 4 5600 monster that can atk twice. the guy above has suggested a very much illegal deck. his advice isnt particuarly great. hope this has helped

  2. Dude, if you can try and build this Machine-Mayhem deck.

    MONSTERS: 23

    x3 Cyber Ogre

    x3 Cyber Dragon

    x3 Proto-Cyber Dragon

    x3 Proto-Machine King

    x1 Perfect Machine King

    x2 Cyber Pheonix

    x2 Gear Golem the Moving Fortress

    x3 Heavy-Mech Support Platform

    x3 Blue Thunder T-45

    SPELL: 16

    x1 Fusion Gate

    x1 Future Fusion

    x2 Polymerization

    x2 Power Bond

    x1 Pot of Greed

    x1 Pot of Avarice

    x1 Premature Burial

    x1 Cthonion Alliance

    x1 De-Fusion

    x1 Dimension Fusion

    x1 Magical Mallet

    x3 Limiter Removal

    TRAPS: 6

    x2 A Hero Emerges

    x1 Call of the Haunted

    x1 Cyber Summon Blaster

    x1 Draining Sheild

    x1 Trap Jammer

    FUSION: 8

    x2 Chimeratech Over Dragon

    x2 Cyber Ogre #2

    x2 Cyber End Dragon

    x2 Cyber Twin Dragon
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