
Mad at me.. kinda long?

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I met this dude at the beginning of summer,, about 5 weeks ago. He had first liked my cousin and she liked him--but she started to stay away after she realized I liked him and "got mad" about them. Well now he likes me and I like him, but I'm kinda new to this whole relationship stuff and don't really know how to act. He thinks I'm playing hard to get and that I don't really care about him, but I do. So he's been mad at me since last night when I jokingly said that I was tired of him. He was talking to my cousin whose been giving me advice this hole time and told her he was mad at me and stuff. So, I don't know how to tell him that I care and that I'm sorry for saying what I did...Oh and I'm 13 and he's 15.

Sorry if thats really long...




  1. is ok.. So what you are trying to say is that you have never had a boy friend?just act the way you are becouse if you act different then you will want to act the way you are but the guy will see a diferent on you and he might not like you,thats why you should act your way at the biginning of a relationship.

    You must show him you like him.explain him that you were joking about what you said.Show him more love send him letters is kinda old school but sometimes boy like that becouse its showing that you like him just becouse you took your time writting something for him well that how i feel. Dont ask him if he had  a girlfriend before.couse that one of the worft thing you dont ask

    good luck


  2. Im kinda confused but....

    Be yourself and don't lie about things. If you lie, in the end people end up getting hurt. And that's what happened to your cousin.

    Tell him your sorry and you didn't mean it.

  3. hun, be yourself. why be somebody else around somebdoy ... specail, and not even special, but you just like him, and maybe even temporary. would you want to be some one else forever??

    hun, be yourself--the honest thing to do.

  4. just be yourself and me

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