
Made out of Fake fur?

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The other day i brought a really really awesome hat but after buying it i felt guilty, cos parts of the hat has fake fur,and it looks pretty real but its not. However i know its only fake but im still supporting the fashion trend of wearing fur....


should i return the hat or not?




  1. No...keep it...

    You would be "going overboard" on the "ecological sentiment" you are feeling if you take it THAT far...

    Look at it from the "other point of view" (and there's always an "other point of view" or even many of them) and think about it THIS way...

    In purchasing a "non-fur" product, you are helping make it more profitable for companies to "produce non-fur products," and thus encouraging others to do so, AND simultaneously helpling reduce the killing of furry creatures everywhere...

    Remember...Yin and Yang...DNA is TWO double spiral helix's twisted up into each other like the inner and outer steps, rungs, and handrails of a cosmically small yet innumerable molecule that is the secret to all life, so...

    Our DNA makes us what we are, and is actually WHO we are, as well, and to understand DNA, is to understand that we are...

    Complex, contradictory, paradoxical, hypocritical, loving, hating, nurturing, destroying, creative, chaotic beings of such immense complexity, that it is doubtful any one of us could ever understand even a small percentage of our own psychology...

    Cymbal Crash, and then a hearty "Gong!"

  2. haha, buy an "I fake it" pin and put it on your hat.

  3. Sarah said what I was thinking - get an anti-fur pin or patch and put that somewhere else on you, like your purse or jacket.

    I understand your dilemma... I personally don't even wear fake fur because I would be horrified if anyone looked at me and thought I was wearing real fur. My personal choice is to avoid anything resembling fur to prevent confusion regarding whether or not it is fake. I don't want to support a fashion trend that causes the torture and death of innocent creatures. (The fur industry is really the most pointless and sickening of all the animal industries!)

    If you're really in love with the hat, try wearing a message somewhere else on you to show that you're anti-fur. If you're going to feel guilty whenever you do wear the hat, it's not worth keeping. :)

    Kudos to you for caring :D

  4. Wear it and enjoy it. After all, when you wear a cotton flannel shirt you don't feel obliged to tell the world it's not made of wool.

  5. psht, If you like it, wear it. YOU know it's faux, and that's all that matters.

    I feel the same way when I'm eating a boca burger out in public. It LOOKS like I'm eating meat, but at least I KNOW I'm not.

    Besides, then if someone compliments you on it, just be like, "Oh thanks! I LOVE it cuz it's cruelty free!" or "Fake is the way to go". Something like that.

    I know what you're talking about... But if you really like it, make it work to your advantage. ;]

  6. i don't think there's anything wrong with it if you're 100% sure it's not made of real fur. I can see your concern for supporting the fashion trend but if it's the typ ei think it is they're synthetic fibre most likely and most people will know that (and if they don't you can point it out).
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