
Madiba, Mugabe and the Queen?

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Is there any reason why Mandela waited until he was Britain before he criticised Mugabe?

Well done to Madiba all the same, I am glad he has finally spoken out, but I am curious to know why he chose this occasion? Perhaps because of the greater media attention and thus he would better deliver the message to the whole world?

What do you guys think?




  1. Lol Honey to little to late!!!

  2. I reckon that he thought he would be safe from prosecution if he uttered such thoughts on crown territory.

  3. skyli, madiba is mandela's xhosa clan name.

  4. He's Mandela...I think he would've gotten a good amount of media broadcast in SA. Maybe he felt unsafe saying it in SA. Or, otherwise people will listen more carefully if it were done elsewhere.

  5. Criticised Mugabe? He never mentioned him by name or even by inference. He said "Lack of leadership."

    Since when did wholesale murder, mayhem, rape, pillage, corruption, vote rigging, intimidation, torture, and tyrannical insane meglomaniac ranting get dealt with by an indictment for 'lack of leadership'?

    The fecking coward.If he had gotten any stronger in his choice of words he may even have accused him of farting in Church. No wonder he got slammed in the British Media for being just another ex terrorist.

  6. I tend to agree with you.

    Having a wee bit of indecision though. Do you think they have a bad case of verbal diarrhea or are Alf and Hennie suffering from a bad case of constipation. All the words lead me in one direction but the constant grunting and groaning  lead me in the other. It sure is a puzzle what their problem is.

    Addition:  It seems that a lot of people expect a great deal out of a 90 year old man who's strong point is diplomacy and who did one very fine job of seeing that South Africa did not turn into a Zimbabwe during his tenure. I am not a violent person but I do have to wonder why someone younger and more virile has not played the jackal. Certainly a lot of people talk about it.

  7. More lip service from Mugabe's fellow terrorist allie, the thug Mandela, I'm sure he phoned Mugabe before hand just to let him know not to be offended or take any notice of his "beggars show" for the British people.

    And Hennie is quite correct, your liberal referencing of Mandela as "Madiba" is sickening, have you no spine?

  8. maybe there were items happening behind the scenes,I am sure that the last thing that Mr Mandela wants is to sees Africans fighting Africans for any reason.

  9. I think we are all to quick to underestimate Mandela.

    He's a clever man and one I think has been the only goodish thing in SA. Mainly after he was in

    P.S... MJ why do people call him Madiba? Is that his real name or something?

  10. Mj I agree with you!! I think he did deliver now altought it's  a bit to late,so many lives could have been spared if he spoke up earlier.xxxx

  11. I can only think that he did speak out because he had to. South Africans and the world has asked why the silence in South Africa and some even suggested that Mandela must intervene. I do therefore not think it is the greater media attention but rather the hot topic at hand and the call to strip Mugabe his knighthood. I am sure Mandela were asked about the situation and what he thinks about the issue and finally he raised his voice due pressure.

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