
Magazines and books?

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hello friends.... I was wondering if anyone had any insight as to good or excellent resources to help one produce a website first, than a magazine. Or a book?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Hi!  There are a lot of website information pages out there; if you Google HTML, you can get pointers to all manner of tutorials and references--in fact, there is a HUGE number of online resources for all manner of web-related things.

    But if you are going to design a site with an eye to converting to a magazine or book, you might want to view the websites of other magazines in the same genre, for ideas about style, presentation, etc.

    And please remember something:  there are lots of flashy sites which seem to have forgotten that CONTENT is really key; flash without content is a waste of bandwidth/bytes, and great CONTENT can forgive presentation issues.

    [If you want books, there are a number of series of books to help you do web design.  I would suggest looking at Amazon for titles in the area you want and going over the customer reviews; then go to a bookstore--like Borders or Barnes and Noble--and check out the books for yourself.]

    Hope this helps.

  2. xml programming will be useful
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