
Maggots in dog food ?

by  |  earlier

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So I was training my dog last the dark with a bag of Charlee Bear liver treats. I went inside and looked in the bag and it was just full of maggots about half a centimeter long at the most. Is my dog going to be ok and where the bugs inside the treat already or did some fly lay them there?




  1. Where do you keep your liver treats? They should be refrigerated once opened.

  2. This is kinda a tricky question. To be on the safe side, I'd probably take her to the vet to make sure there's no fly's or anything in her stomach. Maggot's are nasty as heck! Well, If they were a new pack of doggie treats and you never opened them, Then yes. They were there. But if you opened the bag and left them open then probably a fly landed in there and laid them there. Who really knows? Only you do to be exact. You know if you left them open. or not..

  3. Call and confirm with your vet, but your dog should be. Outside dogs pick up all sorts of insects and eat them. I would also call the company and file a complaint, and tell the store where you bought the treats.

  4. I have no idea about your dog, but what I do know is that if you call the number on the bag and complain you found maggots in the bag and demand a refund or compensation they'll send you either more bags free or money :)

  5. Was it a new bag or open bag? Might consider keeping them in a air tight treat container between trainings... Did the pup eat any maggots? Your dog should be ok even if he did get a hold of a maggot or two... just some extra dose of protein.
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