
Magic Mushrooms Dosage?

by Guest32135  |  earlier

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So me and my friend really want to take some shrooms before she goes off to college. We have a source and everything. Someone told us to take an 8th. Another one of my friends who has a sorts of experience with psychedelics said that we could handle a 4th each and tbh i don't have any ides wtf that means. A 4th of what? an ounce? Please help me out. It would be greatly appreciated.

All my loving,





  1. don't take a 4th each your first time. Which is twice as much as an 8th by the way. You probably also should have a friend with you who isn't um trippin the ****. You will most likely be fine, but its different for everyone. I was curled up in a ball for the first four hours my first time screaming about he mexican/chinese man living on the the couch

    It's nice to have someone who is going to tell you that it'll all be ok during phase 2 or 3.

    Overall, I rather enjoy the experience- I wish you and your friend the best of luck. Think happy thoughts.

    Up it to a 4th later if YOU think you can handle it.

  2. First, yes, those are fractions of an ounce. For your first time, I would NOT recommend taking an 1/8. I don't know why he told you to take a 1/4, unless he's talking about something other than ounces, because that's a very good amount of shrooms and would almost certainly plunge you into a terrible time were you not mentally prepared to handle such a trip.

    Okay, so my recommendation to you would be to take 2.0 grams, which is just above a half-1/8 or 1/16. For the record, an ounce is just over 28 grams, making a 1/4 about 7 grams and an 1/8 3.5. Don't just listen to anyone when they tell you what to take. A very good source for information on this and any safe use of recreational drugs is . Find the section on mushrooms and explore what they say about the effects, dose, experience, etc. As with any psychedelics, the potential for great fun and adventure is always coupled with the possibility of a negative experience if you aren't responsible and thoughtful. Be safe, be smart, and have fun exploring!

  3. What I would do is buy a 4th for yourself and eat half of it and see how that goes for you and in about 30 minutes if you want more then you can do more.  I have a high tolerance for most things so I can down a 4rth no big deal.  Don't worry you can't od on it.  If you take too much the worst that will happen is you throw up and then it'll be fine.  So just start out slow your first time and then if you don't need much then you will have a lot left for a rainy day.

  4. Ive taken shrooms quite a few times and i would recommend taking 2 grams. When taking 2 grams you get the full psychedelic effect and you don't have overpowering hallucinations.

    Don't take shrooms recklessly psychedelic drugs cause you to look at life in a completley new way this can be very good or exteremly bad.

    a 4th is 7 grams        DON'T TAKE A 1/4 YOUR FIRST TIME!!!!!!!!

    a 8th is 3.5 grams

    a ounce is 28 grams

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