
Magical Words?

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Hi all, I'm new here and this is my first question for you all. Do you guys believe in magical words (spells)? Do they really work?




  1. Welcome!

    I believe the power of magic is as follows:

    Magic spells only work if the recipient of the spell is both aware that it has been cast and believes in the power of magic.  I also believe the power of spells are any stronger than the power of suggestion.

    So a spell will only work if the target is aware of it and believes in magic.  In other words, if I believe in magic and I know someone has cast a spell on me, I will unconsciously "cooperate" with the spell.  I might feel symptoms though there is nothing causing them.  However, the power of the spell is only as powerful as the power of suggestion.  It can cause general feelings of fatigue, but it can't cause a tumor or a broken arm, unless a drug is involved in the spell.

    In other words, magic is only as powerful as the imagination of the target of the spell.  What is said when casting the spell is completely arbitrary.

    P.S. Spelling it with a "k" at the end doesn't make it any more valid.

  2. Yes. I believe that you could say a phrase in latin inviting a demon into your body and end up possessed. But like Harry Potter? No, you can accomplish a lot by simply clearing your mind and thinking it but, there are no magic words or spells.

  3. My wife practices Wicca and prepares and says spells all the time. How effective they are, I can't say. The majority are done for healing of family members.

  4. Sure magic words work.  Say the word "commitment" and your boyfriend will vanish.  Say the word "lamigra" and your gardener will vanish.

  5. Before I can give you my response to your question, I think it is best that you know exactly what magick is. The best definition I have heard is simply this:

    "Magick is a technique of creation. Magick is a method of creating, effecting or changing circumstances through the manipulation of energy. Magick is accomplished through willpower and emotion, which shape energy. Magick is best used for self improvement, prosperity and healing".

    Now, applying this definition to your question, belief is on a personal level of each practitioner. Whether or not you perform a "ritual", the effect comes from your level of belief, willpower and the effort or emotion you spend. A ritual is a vocalizing tool to enhance your concentration at the very least.

    Magick words are not enough alone without willpower,emotion and strong belief. Honestly, if you are asking the question, go back to the beginning and examine your beliefs to determine the seriousness of using magick. Magick is in you or not (true belief). It is not to be played with out of curiosity. There are reactions to your actions regardless. If you can't find an answer, find someone in your area to help you get the TRUE answer.

    Good luck on your journey. Blessed be.

  6. Welcome Autumgirl.

    No I don't believe that magic spells work.

    Sometimes they seem to work if you believe in them, if I told you that I had made a spell to make you feel sick and you believed it enough you might actually start thinking that you were sick, but only because your own mind was tricking you not because of my amazing powers.

  7. Magic doesn't exist.  Sound waves can't produce supernatural phenomenon.

  8. You can believe you have the ability to levitate, but it won't help you get off the ground.

    Likewise, you can believe whatever you wish about magic words, but your belief, and the belief of everyone else is irrelevant compared to the complete lack of scientific evidence that magic exists.  In science, a complete lack of evidence generally means an idea is wrong.

  9. Yes. I am a witch and believe in spells and magic.
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