
Major? Good colleges??

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Hi, I am 14 years old and going into to my freshman year of high school. I want to start planning out my educational path now. I want to become an obstetrician, and i want to have a masters degree. What would i need to major in? What are some good colleges that consider the masters more like a stepping stone to a doctorate?




  1. Glad to hear that you are thinking about college now and not waiting until your second semester of your senior year. To be an obstetrician you need an MD. Though an MD is a doctorate degree in medicine it does not follow the traditional masters then doctorate route. The only time you would go the masters then doctorate instead of the MD is if you chose to be a research in an area like genetics, developmental embryology, or biochemistry.

    In order to qualify for medical school you need to get a four degree, any field is acceptable and while studying for your four year degree you take the MCAT, possibly the MAT (Miller Analogy Test), and possibly the GRE too typically late in your junior year. Once you take the test(s) you apply to medical school during the early part of your senior year and then you go on to complete your four year MD degree. Total time you would be looking at studying in school is approximately 8 years but if you have excellent grades in high school it might be possible to enter the accelerated medical school programs which takes six years. Anyhow from there you go on to study to become an obstetrician which is an additional 5 years appoximately and that would make it at total of 13 years from the time you entered college until the time you work as a fully qualified obstetrician.

  2. If you are a HS Freshman in 2008 then the earliest you can start your Ob/Gyn medical practice is 2020 or 2021. So you shouldn't be making your plans too solid yet. A lot of things could change before then. And, you have a lot to learn about how this works - physicians do not often have Masters degrees. That is not part of their degree path.

    Take things one step at a time. You must get through high school with a solid preparation for college. If you want to get into med school, you probably want to go to a competitive college - for a list of top colleges, look at the US News college rankings - any school that is in the top 100 list of National universities can give you a solid preparation for med school. If you wind up at any of these schools they all have the proper facilities and courses to give you all the pre requisites you need to apply to med school. Each of them has a faculty member specifically assigned to advise students who are interested in applying to med school.

    So, focus on high school. You need very good marks... that means nothing less than a B in any course, and in your science and math courses you need A's. Especially in chemistry - chemistry is the subject that most students have problems with, and you cannot get into med school without good marks in college chem. So, start learning chem, take Honors chem, and then AP chem. When you get to college you'll be glad to have a solid foundation in algebra and chemistry. if you can get a good HS calculus course, that would be good too,

    One step at a time.

  3. hey!

    you would have to major in medicine. i dont know if your in america or canada, but canada has a lot of amazing universities with majors geared towards obstetrician and gynecology.

    you have to make sure that you keep your marks in math and science very high, and you would even benefit from taking a psychology course in high school.

    in high school you may even decide that you want to go into a different field. i first wanted to be a dentist, then a sociology researcher and then a business woman, and now i've finally decided to pursue hotel management.

    go to google and type in your desired field along with the word university. a whole lot of universities will show up and you can read more about the field and what to expect in uni.
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