
Major bad rumor....Kevin Jonas!!!?

by  |  earlier

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There is a rumor going around, actually it has been going around for a while now. They are saying that Frankie Jonas is Kevin Jonas (Jr not Sr)'s son. Is it true!!! I was just wondering because Frankiewas bron when Kevin was like 14 and he didn't get his purity ring until he was 15. What do you guys think?




  1. Calm down it's just a rumor!

  2. how is it bad rumor?

  3. that's so totally a rumor.

  4. the purity ring is to stay pure until marriage and the jonas brothers decided to wear purity rings since they were 12!! there is no way that its true! that rumor is just stupid =)

  5. It's definently a rumor

  6. RUMOR! that is a rumor.. very obviously. please don't believe everything you hear or everything you read. people can say whatever they want but you shouldn't be gullible enough to believe them. kevin jonas is pure and will stay pure until marriage i know that without a doubt.  

  7. thats so untrue

  8. er i really doubt that


  9. No. Frankie is Kevin SR. and Denises son. And if Kevin Jr. had a son do you really think Disney would promote hiM?

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