
Major in Agriculture?

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I'm goin' to college to major in Agriculture.... You think that will benefit me? I've lived in a small town all my life surrounded by farms, I've have friends that live on farms but I never actually lived on a farm.




  1. What are your goals?  If it is to have a carer in the agriculture field then, yes  a major in agriculture will be a big benefit to you. If you think it will teach you to farm and get started farming.  You will likely be disappointed.  Your friends can benefit from an Ag major and go back to the home farm and do OK.  You don't have that advantage, but you can get a good job in agriculture related  work, and have a good carer.  You may be able to stay near your small town, but you will do better if you are prepared to relocate.

  2. Crimson is right! I am an ag major at the university of idaho and there is soooooo many jobs available for ag majors. Our instructors and advisors are always getting calls for jobs that are available in our area and we can never help them fill all of them cause there are so many jobs and not enough of us. You do not have to live on a farm for it to be good for you. the ones that are telling you that have never taken an ag course. Hope you like chemistry! cause there will be lots of it. Some math. (yuck!) and classes that are just unique to your program. Hope it all works out for you and maybe we will see you around........

  3. don't listen to trisha.

    if you're interested in agriculture then you should defiantly consider majoring in it.  If you do decide to go that route, don't get discourage by other kids "ag majors" that have grown up on a farm, they usually think they know more than they actually do:)  

    If you have a chance, try to work on a farm/ranch during the summer.  You'll be able to put together everything that you have learned in class.

  4. You can get a lot of good jobs in Agriculture (county extension agencies, departments of agriculture (state and federal), universities, etc.etc).  However, I must make my own personal push here and why don't you consider something in the natural resources management realm (like fish or wildlife management)?  Just a suggestion (oh and by the way i'm a certified fish and wildlife biologist, hahah).

  5. no i don't think  u havestudied enough to be a good agricultural farmer.

  6. I have 2 graduate degrees in Agriculture.   You can go anywhere and get a d**n good job.  I love my job.  I work for the Dept of Agriculture.   And I am proud to be a redneck!!  I love my truck, my dog, and my guns and live in the middle of nowhere

  7. yes! as a current student in Ag at University of Florida I can say yes it will benefit you greatly -- there's statistically 7 jobs for every graduate. look into it more for a specialization, join clubs, get involved.

  8. yes it will benifit you i was an animal science major in agriculture and though i dont work in ag right now i did for the first 20 years after i left school and knowing i have a colledge degree helps me out and i never lived on a farm growing up but that is not important just do what you like and do your best at it because you never know what is in your future you might not use your degree in the future but it sure is nice knowing that you have one
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