
Major life changes...any reassurances?

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I'm getting ready to leave my job of almost three years. It's very prestigious and most people would kill for it. However, the psychological abuse as well as verbal coupled with the backstabbing that goes on behind closed doors has stressed me to the point of throwing in the towel. No one should be as unhappy as I am. For that reason I've decided to focus on my studies and take a much less stressful job on campus. I've never done anything like this and I was hoping someone else who'd been through some life changes could share their experiences and help me to feel like this isn't such a major upheaval.




  1. It is really amazing how our lives can change from one year to the next and almost be unrecognizable. I have found that when I am in the midst of one of these changes, that it helps to take a minute or two when I get up, and when I go to bed, just to absorb what that day is about. Not really meditating, just readjusting your mindset. Accepting that it is an upheaval really is the biggest part of not letting the change stress you out too bad. You will do great, no worries!

  2. To change is one should have to work in such conditions.

    Being an artist, I would still rather dig a ditch with someone I enjoy their company, than restore a masterpiece with a prick.

  3. try to look at it as the opportunity to be a happier person. I worked until my daughter was 5 months old and i was miserable. i was scared to quit because i had worked since i was 15 years old but i took a leap of faith and it has been so wonderful. yes the budget was a little tighter but i would never change the decision i made. sometimes changing jobs and atmosphere just opens new doors. look at this change as something great and think of the load that will be lifted when you leave that stressful job. life is way to short to stay somewhere that is not good for you. i wish you much happiness in your new path i think you will look back and wish you had done it sooner. God bless!!!!

  4. I think as long as you feel that the change is in your best interest..then you shouldn't worry too much. Change can be trying and difficult but I think it's also a matter of how you want to look at things that will determine the level of difficulty...I am always up for a challenge. I also prefer change - it seems so boring to me to be stuck in the same situation day in and day out (kind of like eating the same bowl of cereal everyday). I prefer jobs that constantly makes it more interesting for me. I also prefer to work with 'nice' people, but this does not always happen - no matter what type of work you may do....sometimes you just have to try to make the most of a bad situation. But I also agree that I could not stand idly by while others acted cruel and vicious towards another without warrant....I would leave and find another job - no question. I also think that as long as you have learned from this experience and are able to take that with you where ever you may go then at least that is something positive from something so negative! That is a good thing.

    I think that if you focus on the possibilities of what kind of positive effects this new transition could have for you then I think you will do fine...try not to focus too much energy on negatives such as self doubt and the like as this could only become a burden to you in the long run! Change can be a fantastic a destination of untold mysteries and even new treasures to not fear Vitraux already has stated - it is a natural thing to change and evolve! There is nothing wrong with wanting to do better for yourself in any way that you deem fit or necessary! Good Luck! Hope this helped!

  5. Change is hard, even when you've made the change for all the right reasons.  Change helps us grow and it's a natural and inevitable part of life.  You sound like you've given this a lot of thought and are doing it for the right reasons.  Even if the new job doesn't work out your decision to leave an abusive situation is the right call and will lead to a better life for you.  Just try to take it easy on yourself till you've settled in and gotten comfortable.  Good luck, you'll be fine!

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