
Making volleyball team?

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I am in seventh grade at a good middle school, and this Tuesday are volleyball tryouts. I have been preparing these past few weeks, so this is not a sudden thing, but I want to know if there are any tips people have on making the volleyball team.

1. I have been hitting around a volleyball, by myself and with a friend. Is this good practice?

2. What will help me prepare for the tryouts on Tuesday?

3. Is there anything I can do to help myself the night before? (Sleep, carb-load, ect.?)




  1. yes yes and yes

  2. Cool! i'm your age! Maybe I can help...

    1. keep on practicing! I would also go to a local gym and hit with a net. Also try to jump as high as you can coaches LOVE a girl who can jump really high.

    2. Have you ever been on a local team like the YMCA? That will help also.. practice basics! That is, bumping,setting,serving,and attacking. Also coaches mainly look for someone who can serve and someone who is agressive. That means you are ready to give 100% all the time.

    3. I'm on a club team and we travel everywhere our coach tells us to get at least 10 hours of sleep and the night before to have any type of pasta. Try not to have a soda or a energy drink(like Red Bull) at least a day before tryouts it can make your body hurt if you have that in your system and you are running around

    I hope this helps please let me know how it goes GOOD LUCK!!

  3. same here im in 7th grade 2

  4. Well your practice techniques seem good..

    Things that will help you prepare:

    1. Good night's sleep (sleep = energy and awareness)

    2. Well balanced breakfast (same benefits as sleep)

    3. Confidence (but not too much!)

    4. Effort (LOTS - this will impress the coache(s))

    5. A good attitude (this will also impress coaches)

    I have made the varsity tennis and cross country teams at my high school using those five tips.

    Good luck at tryouts!

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