
Male cat neutering operation timeframe?

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i'm taking my cat to be neutered tomorrow, does anybody know how long the operation usually takes?




  1. I just had 2 cats neutered and it's a quick operation.  If brought them in at 8AM and took them home at 3 PM the same day.  They keep them for several hours to keep an eye on them.  

    In case your vet does not tell you:

    No food or water after 10PM tonight

    Wait 2 hours after they get home to offer food or water

    Use torn up newspaper in the litter box.  Regular litter can get caught in the wound.  Keep him as quiet as possible for around 3 days.

  2. The vet will usually schedule the surgery in the morning.  After the surgery is done a tech will call you to let you know how your cat did.  At that time they will give you a time to pick kitty up.  Its usually that night!

  3. I've always been able to bring male cats home later the same day but my vet and I have a good working relationship and he knows I know how to keep them from being too active. The surgery itself doesn't take much more than an hour from start to finish. Start being sedation, shaving and other prep, finish being last suture and coming out of sedation. If you have never cared for a neutered cat post op it might be safer for your cat to remain over night with the vet so he can get more rest. Once he's home try to confine him to one room for a few days so he isn't running through the house too much and straining the area.

  4. it is very quick about 20mins start to finish,non of my male cats have ever had stiches

  5. You should be able to bringg him home the next day.

  6. Neuter surgery is a pretty quick operation, and not nearly so intense as a spay operation. Most of the cats go home same day with some medication to take for a day or two for pain (in some cases) and on occasion some antibiotics, but this is dependent on the cat and how the surgery actually goes.

    Your kitty will be back to normal in a few days. They heal surprisingly fast. :)

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