
Male fertility question?

by Guest63527  |  earlier

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My boyfriend and me have been talking about having a baby in the near by future. I was concerned a bit about his s***n, its very clear and diluted. He also ejaculates alot more then the average man (1 tbs). He smokes alot of cigarettes and drinks a good amount of alcohol. Could this be the reason why his s***n is this way? Is his sperm not fertile?




  1. Both smoking and especially alcohol affect sperm.  Smoking depleted necessary vitamins and affects the dna of the sperm = 1/2 the dna of the baby you might conceive.

    Alcohol also affect sperm development and volumn.

    There are plenty of articles on sperm and alcohol usage.

    Also sperm take over a month to develop and mature.  Some people think sperm are made within 24 hours but it's over a month so every drink & cigarette he had for the last 2 months affect the sperm he's releasing this month.

  2. The lady didn't say he was an alcoholic she just said he drinks quite a bit, you don't know what sort of environment they live in! Drinking and smoking can both affect the sperm count so it would be a good idea if he would cut down and obviously if you do get pregnant he shouldn't smoke around you or the baby when its born!!

  3. He may have low sperm count because of the smoking and drinking. Wearing briefs instead of shorts can also cause low sperm count.  The testicles must hang away from the body and be slightly cooler than the body to produce a viable number of sperm.  Have him see a physician to verify his sperm count.

  4. It is not a good idea to have a baby with your boyfriend.  It is hard enough in a "stable" marriage.

  5. Please don't raise a child in that type of environment by having a heavy smoker and an alcoholic in the house.  Second hand smoke will do serious harm to a newborn child while your pregnant not to mention the exposure the child will constantly be around once the baby is born.  Sorry for not giving you a direct answer to your question, but you 2 shouldn't have children living in that type of environment.......EVER.

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