
Mali and UK geography question!!?

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im doing a project and its due tommorow about comparing mali to the UK and i would like to know about population distrubution....can anyone please tell me?




  1. MALI

    - International migration is characteristically important in Mali. Up to 3m Malians live outside the country, mostly in Côte d’Ivoire, others in France. There are wide regional disparities with 90% of the population concentrated in the southern provinces, and a high rate of urban drift, most of the population moving to Bamako which has had an average growth rate of 4% per annum since 1987.The northern region is characterized by a long-standing ethnic tension between the nomadic Tuareg, who make up about 10% of the population, and the mostly sedentry Songhai.


    - London and the south-east of England are among the most densely populated areas in the world. Greater London's population, which reached 7.47 million in 2006, is set to rise, according to the lowest official projections, by 788,000 more to reach 8.26 million in 2026. Meanwhile Londoners have been moving out to suburbs and the countryside in record numbers, but finding these areas also under growing population pressure. Just as redistributing greenhouse gas emissions is no solution to climate change, population redistribution provides no long-term solution to environmental sustainability - total population numbers need to decrease both in the UK and worldwide, alongside efforts to reduce people's individual environmental impacts.

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