
Man Made Globull Warming ???

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David Evans used to be a consultant to the Australian Greenhouse Office. He spent six years with the Australian government building models about the influence of carbon emissions on our atmosphere. This was the Aussie who wrote the carbon accounting model that measures Australia's compliance with the Kyoto Protocol.

Well .. guess what Dr. Evans is saying today? Since he started working in the office in 1999, "new evidence has seriously weakened the case that carbon emissions are the main cause of global warming." By the year 2007, the evidence is conclusive: carbon played only a minor role in recent global warming and was not the main cause.

Dr. Evans put together some basic facts for the public and government officials in regards to global warming. Here is just a taste.

1. The greenhouse signature is missing. We have been looking and measuring for years, and cannot find it.

2. There is no evidence to support the idea that carbon emissions cause significant global warming.

3. The satellites that measure the world's temperature all say that the warming trend ended in 2001, and that the temperature has dropped about 0.6C in the past year (to the temperature of 1980).

4. The new ice cores show that in the past six global warmings over the past half a million years, the temperature rises occurred on average 800 years before the accompanying rise in atmospheric carbon. Which says something important about which was cause and which was effect.

Keeping that last point in mind, Al Gore still preaches in his movie that the ice cores are the sole reason for believing that carbon emissions cause global warming. Dr. Evans says, "In any other political context our cynical and experienced press corps would surely have called this dishonest and widely questioned the politician's assertion."

So instead, what do we get? The world has spent $50 billion on global warming since 1990 and yet there is no evidence that carbon emissions are actually causing global warming! It's a fraud. A fraud to enrich Gore, and a fraud designed to form the basis for repeated attacks on capitalism and free market economies.

Would someone out there please wake up?




  1. I guess David Evans is one scientist who was never in it for the money.  And I love how he refers to global warming in the past-tense, which is correct.  If the rest of the scientific world would wake up and tell the truth we'd be over this in no time.  

  2. i'm awake, bigg'n. so are about 178 million other americans.

    btw- it's global, not globull

  3. Don't ask them for evidence.    It's never been a matter of evidence.

  4. Hmm, It's a fraud.

    Well, tell that to the Polar Bears.

    I don't think they think it's a fraud.

    1. 'We' Well, actually you did nothing. You are not a scientist. Therefore you did nothing and are not allowed in the 'We' factor.

    2. So, what do you say? The cow farts did it? No. It was the Co2 that we've been putting in the air for years.

    3. I'm sorry, where did you hear that? I mean, at least give us some poof.

    4. Okay, stop using the phrase 'global warming'. If you had been studying this you would know it's Climate Change for pete's sake.

    Al Gore does not preach that it is the sole reason. It is among reasons. We are killing this planet, inside and out. I've never heard of this Dr. Evans.


  5. My answer is;

    I would like to start with a couple of Facts;

    1) Global Warming is a Natural occurring process of the planet. (what happens to end a Ice Age?)

    2) Looking for Facts in any Science requires a couple of "steps", the Hypothesis, the Theory and then when you have Proved the Theory it becomes a Fact.

    3) When this planet has enough plastic, it will shake us off like a bad case of Fleas. Like it did the dinosaurs.  (Thank you George Carlin)

    The "Global Warming" craze is a controversial "Smoke Screen" to take the Public Eye off of the real problem of defecating where we eat, breathe, and drink aka Pollution and those who would put profits over Health and go cheap on the controls of Business's.


    Do our actions and those of Industry (and why are these separated?)

    effect the "Climate" of our only place to Live?  

    The Answer is Still unknown for Some of the wastes we Generate. And the effects they may or may not have on our lives.

    We will actually have to Live through a Ice Age to truly understand Why they happen?

    Is the melting of the Ice Caps and interruption of the Oceans current something that this planet needs to have happen every several thousand years to cause major Ice ages?

    Smart Capitalists understand that in order to continue to "Make Money", His money and the Money of the Company must;

    1) Circulate in the economy were the product is made and sold.

    2) Help the area around his plant maintain a healthy environment so he doesn't Loose Money with;

    a) Sick employee's missing work costs money if lost production and Quality if production is kept at same level or pushed.

    b) environmental groups giving the company Bad publiscity/reputation.

    c) Fines and cost's of clean-up.

    3) Keep Wages Family Friendly and Bennefits provided. He has Happy, Dedicated employee's who take great Pride in the product they produce. And they think of Inovations to the product and the simplification of production.


    1) By doing #3, Unions are not needed to keep things Fair between employee and employer. (Nothing Wrong with making Money. Just don't forget those who give their live's to make you rich.)

    2) Corp. Tax's will be lower because of the tax dedutions allowed for being a good Stuart of the Land, People, and Resorces.

    Or does God just feel that this biosphere science project of his needs to go in a different direction every 100-200k years and causes thing to happen the Totally changes life on this Rock?

    Hope my answer helps

  6. This Global Warming nonsense is a religion! And, as a religion, proof belies faith. Ergo, I don't need any proof to believe that the sky is falling, the world is coming to an end, we don't need technology...blah blah blah....

  7. N.A.S.A website

    and some more info of interest:

    N.A.S.A. should be a pretty reliable source for this type of information.

  8. The old models used to prove global warming have been found to be wrong. Conclusion: there is no global warming caused by man. These are the facts.

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