
Man made global warming ?

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is it manmade or just a cycle? (no hippies please)




  1. I wouldn't say that man necessarily made global warming...but we are speeding it up a lot we are a big part of it...but we didn't make it...

  2. Hippies cause it with all their doobie smoke.


    host is a little out there but....

  4. it's just a cycle in earth's climatic conditions

  5. I believe it is more of a cycle than man-made. I think man has had an influence, but not as severe as what many people are saying. Global warmning, especially man-made, is still just a theory. The media talks about it like it's been proven. How can man prove this when the cycles take hundreds of years, but man can only see 7- 90 years at a time? taking core sample of the ice has shown a cycle of the warming/cooling periods. They estimate that each one lasts at least a few hundred years. So I believe it is possible for a warming period to be coming that may last several hundred years, but it will come gradually. Meanwhile people will get more and more freaked out until it is pretty warm all over. Then it will get cold and people will blame themselves. Then the cycles will repeat itself, and the people will blame themselves again.

    Which one is the cycle: the climate or the human's not really learning anything?

  6. global warming came from science fiction books at Barns and Noble book store

  7. Man made. And if you dont "believe" that, then if your doctor says you have cancer just say 'oh, i dont believe in cancer"!

  8. There is no doubt that man has greatly contributed to global warming, but to say that man caused it all may be a bit extreme. There is no true way to tell.  What is obvious is the negative impact that all of our cars, livestock, power plants... have had on the enviorment.

  9. Global warming is not all caused due to human impacts. It is also caused due to solar variation and valconic eruptions.

  10. ok i'll say carbon  it's wrong but i  don't care

  11. the only thing that man has done is speed the procces along so an ice age could occur sober but these changes are so minute that buy the time the effects kick in humans may of being of this earth for a long time

  12. there is not a yes or no to this question.

    There is compelling evidence on both sides. (not fact)

    The problem is that scientists on both sides that have very different opinions. Both sides all generally agree that the earth is definitely still warming now. They just strongly disagree on who and/or what is causing it.

    Global warming is the prediction from a large number of Scientists that Humans are causing the earths climate and GHG's to climb beyond what would occur naturally. They generally contend that it will lead to the Destruction of our Planet from AGW(Anthropogenic Global Warming).

    There is also a large number of Scientists that predict that the earth is simply in a warming cycle and that we humans have a small effect (if any) on the climate changes. They generally do not refer to this warming as Global Warming.

    Even though technically it is.

    They do not claim the doom & gloom but both sides agree we MUST recycle when possible and conserve our natural resources and preserve our natural habitat.

    The term global warming is more of a political term and is misleading. For the most part everyone agrees that we are warming up gradually the big and I mean big question is why and what and/or who is causing it?

    Most articles from both sides are just articles that base little on fact and more on short term evidence.

    I think for the most part, the discussion on (Global Warming) is much like our modern day court system. Both sides just try to prove their side with hundred of websites all claiming to disprove the other, or no real proof. Both sides have extreme activists. Money and politics are major players, and the right thing or the moral thing to do is not high on the priorities list.

    The only difference from our court system is that the global warming issue has no short term answer that would be equivalent to jury and /or Judge.. only time holds our future or fate.

    I would keep in mind that either side may be found to be wrong.

    I believe we have a responsibility to conserve energy, preserve our environment and recycle everything that is feasibly possible.

    I do not believe that we are causing a doom & gloom warming catastrophe. I do know that we need to prepare now by conserving energy, preserving nature and preparing for the next climate change (whether it continues to heat up or we start into another cooling cycle).

    You can generally tell the AGWers apart they tend to use terms like never, always, refuse, destroy and disaster. The use of these terms show a very closed minded person.

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