I have a TV w/1 coax antenna input. I want to use my TV's internal tuner for Cable TV AND over-the-air High Definition. Right now, I have a cheap switch that allows me to select which of these signals I am sending to the tuner.
Problem is, it's a real pain to get up and down off the couch to operate the manual switch. I thought about combining cable and high def signals, but I've heard that there may be some problems with distortion. Anyone know of a good way to combine HDTV antenna and cable TV? Or - Anyone know if a way to make switching an easier process?
I am up for a recommendation on an external tuner that will remotely switch between inputs, or tune and line up what's available from each of these signals?
** I've seen that TIVO and Direct TV have DVR's that combine information from two signals. The box and TV guide service may not be an option for us (long story).