
Manny Pacquiao's Popularity??

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Did Manny Pacquiao's popularity give him the decision??

Let's just pretend Marquez switches places with Pacquiao and he is now one of the most followed boxers. What will the outcome of the fight be?

It doesn't really matter who won the fight since it was so close and it's hard determining the winner, What matters is that WHEN MARQUEZ AND PACQUIAO GET TOGETHER THE PEOPLE WIN.




  1. Come on, a true champion can't live by counterpunching alone. You gotta fight like a champ.

    Pacman is a true champ. Worth every penny. That is why everyone pays to see him fight. All fighters want to fight Manny because they know even if they lose, the money would compensate for their loss. All these fighters will get their biggest payday when they fight Manny. That is the caliber of Manny Pacquiao.

    Everybody knows, for Marquez to win against Pacquiao, he has to KO the guy. He couldn't even manage to knock down Manny. In close fight, that is all that matters. Pacquiao made him kiss the canvas 4 times and probably even more. That to me is crucial. Think about it. How can you gift Marquez the fight when the rounds are almost even. Each round could have gone the other way. But you get knocked down and get rattled a few times and brutally beaten, don't expect to win. The least you could expect is a draw just like the last one. Lucky Marquez got a draw the last time. Had the judge scored the 1st fight correctly in the 1st round, Pacquiao would have won and this fight would have not happened.

    You cannot say its unfair when you did not dominate the guy, get floored, get brutally beaten and ask that you should have won. He's lucky the 2nd time around not to have been knocked out! Yes skillful but still knocked down so many times. So a minus on the skills and chin there.

    Man, common sense is all you need. Don't be a sore loser. Everybody hates a sore loser. You won't get any fights if you are. You'll only look stupid coz whatever you do, you lost and the belt is gone. No amount of support or belief would bring that back to you. If you just accept it LIKE A MAN, then you may come out a winner as you might get some more big fights under your belt. Being a moaner, won't get you anywhere. If you do, then this is the end of the line for you.

    BUSINESS is OVER!!!! Plain and simple.

  2. No. That knock-down and persistent pressure gave Manny the edge in the bout. He fought like a champion and in return he became a champion. Give Marquez credit for hanging in there and giving it his best but you gotta believe that Pacquiao delivered more of a solid performance last night.

    The fans have a great deal of respect for both boxers as they're always giving their best. Does it play a part of the 'winning decision'? Maybe...

    But the two talents in the ring last night gave one helluva performance and with that you can't take talent away from any credibility that both Pacquiao and Marquez put forth.

    In the end, you can't sweat the technique!

  3. it was a very close fight, so it could have gone either way.

    having said that, chavez, leonard, ali, and even joe louis in the '40s has some lucky escapes, so it is concevable that his popularity played a part........but it WAS that close anyway (i had it a draw).

  4. Yah, Marquez should have won if he hasnt been knocked down. Manny took a lot of hits from Marquez but seems to have unaffected. If rules were from amateur boxing Marquez should have won, but since that was a professional fight, judges decides on who lands more power punches. So Manny have won.

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