
Marathon for beginers?

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i have never run a marathon before, actually i've never run really at all. i would like to get in shape with a goal. what are some marathons that are good for beginers? preferably ones for people under 18 or for women, or with good rewards for trying or completing the race?




  1. Sorry but 18 is the minimum age that you can run a marathon (or at least the London marathon). Re-post this question in a few years

  2. If you are under 18, I would advise you against running a marathon.  At that age, you are more prone to injury, especially involving your knees and hips.  I would advise only half marathon.

    Having said that, I remember training for my first full marathon, and it took me about 1 1/2 years to have the courage to run my first race.  It is a daunting task to run 26 miles in one time, and it still is difficult even after my 20th marathon.  You need to be prepared both physically and mentally.  Be sure to run a few races, including some half marathons, before you attempt a full marathon.

    As the marathon that I loved, I would suggest big races for beginners.  I have run NYC marathon but found it a boring.  It is a bit too big and way too crowded, and it gets to be a bit impersonal.  I have also run San Diego Ruck and Roll marathon, which I think is better for beginners.  There are much more walkers and first time runner/walkers there, as well as more party stuff - especially at the end.  The other one I would suggest is the one that I do every year - Houston Marathon, which is fast, fun, and well organized.  There are also lots of walkers.  As for others, I heard Chicago is pretty good for beginners.  I have also run New Orleans Mardi Gras Marathon, which is fast and flat, but not too exciting.

    As for prizes, most races only give you the medal for finishing.  There is no consolation price for attempting.  You also get a marathon T-shirt.  Houston marathon gives the most goodies after race;  you get a mug and a finisher's tech shirt when you complete.  The other one that has good prize is Napa Valley marathon, where you get a wonderful backpack full of goodies, but that is a very hard race.

    Good luck

  3. If you are able  to complete 15k at least you can start a marathon training , if not ,that can be a first Goal ...

    even you need a health exam before to start it

    i did Ny marathon last year and it was my first marathon , that was  a great experience , all that tousends of people supporting you =)

  4. ...

    Interestingly, Grandma's Marathon (Duluth, MN) and the Paavo Nurmi (Hurley, WI), two tough, never-ending-hill races, permit runners down to age 16.  Two of my daughters each completed one of those races at that age.

    For beginners, a really good, flat and very fast course is the Chicago Marathon.   It's quite crowded at the start; and the weather can vary tremendously in October in Chicago, so it's hard to say how comfortable it can be (last year it neared 90, two years earlier it was in the 30's when we started).  But it's flat!  This year the course max entry number was reached in April.

    What's also good about the Chicago Marathon is that if you live in the area you can train with a wide range of co-participants.  And if you're not in the area, you have access (for a fee) online to a training program that matches your level of fitness.

    The rewards for most marathons is getting something that those who don't participate cannot get:  a commemorative medal and t-shirt.  And the satisfaction of completing the marathon!


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