
Marijuana Propoganda???

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I have asked a few personnal questions on Yahoo and Answers and one stated i smoke marijuana and people seemed to flip out and say i am a massive druggy, but not from just their is a massive mistake about marijuana. I'm currently in gr.11 i've been smoking marijuana for the past 4 years and through my entire high school career i have managed to keep a average above 90%, I don't believe in premarital s*x, violence and i go to a catholic church every sunday. Also the last possible thing i could say as addictice is marijuana, there have been several times where i have stopped smoking weed for a period of 2-3 months then started smoking again everyday just because i didn't feel like smoking or i was busy doing something else (girlfriends, jobs, etc) Where does all this Marijuana Propoganda come from?




  1. the u.s.govt. the southern hillbillies are scared of free thinkers.

  2. No one gives a **** how well you do in school. You're probably lying anyway.

  3. People dont know anything about it and they're scared of it.

    Theres FAR worse things than smoking a bit of pot.

  4. i wonder about that all the time too. i'm halfway done with a b.a. in math and a b.s. in chemistry, i vaporize every day, before lectures and before labs, and i feel so motivated about my studies that i'm kinda bummed i won't have time to study physics too. i always thought that for people with addictive tendencies marijuana would be a gateway drug, but so would alcohol or the drugs they give to kids with add. way i see it, we have thc to enhance what we already enjoy doing. some people like to laze around and smoking weed makes lazing around more fun. i like studying and it does the same thing. as for the mentally debilitating effects, short-term memory loss etc., well i taught myself some memory techniques at this website

    and ever since then i've been able to memorize content upon first exposure while high "out of my mind".

  5. The US is merely to uptight  

  6. The propaganda has been spread by the U.S. government for a variety of reasons according to its agenda.  At first it was to promote racism against Mexicans and blacks, and more recently they're trying to link pot use to terrorism.  It's nothing but a scare tactic.  Back in the early 70s, when it was very nearly legalized, Nixon commissioned a medical study to see if it caused any lasting brain damage.  The study proved that it did not cause any damage, but it wasn't what Nixon wanted to hear, so he threw the report into the trash and created the DEA.

    It's not addictive (unless you have an addictive personality and would have a problem with any substance, like food), and it is not a gateway drug.  People who claim it is, seem to claim that all heroin addicts have started with pot.  I'll bet all heroin addicts have taken aspirin at one time or another, but just because they did one and then the other doesn't mean one CAUSED the other.  I've known many people who smoke weed who never had the desire to do any other drugs or turn to a life of crime.

  7. Some people believe that the use of marijuana leads to other drug use.  You can not become addicted to marijuana however.  It does affect your memory and can make you become an underachiever.  But not always.  Some believe that since the USA can't control the use of marijuana {taxes} that that is the reason it is illegal, who knows.  

  8. The propaganda comes from the US government's refusal to tell the truth about it.  Every day i see another lie on those "Above the Influence" commercials.  These lies just fuel the fire of people's irrational fear of this plant, which makes legality harder to achieve.

    simply put, the government's propaganda scares the voters into not wanting to legalize it, which allows the gov to put up more propaganda.

    It's a vicious cycle, but this has been going on since the 1890's and the gov's declaration that marijuana was "the Devil's Weed" and would make you turn into a psycho.  (remember Refer Madness? That movie was completely government funded, and it's portrayal of weed was extremely close to Crack, i.e. people going crazy and attacking others for need of more weed.)

    I'm glad you stated that you keep a 90 average at school.  I myself was able to do the same thing, though I didn't start smoking until my sophomore year.  In fact, every toker I know made A's and B's in high school, yet we are still labeled as "under-achievers."  Hopefully your testimony and mine and others will help the public realize that weed doesn't effect your academic life.

    At my high school, the drug of choice was alcohol.  Some students would drink every night, and (surprise!) they never got above a C average.  I toked before graduation, along with a few close friends, but many drank before.  One girl was not allowed to walk because she threw up during the ceremony, disturbing everyone.  No one noticed us high folk. We were functional and attentive.

    These lies and slander about weed needs to stop.  If an add were to run about any other substance, lying to the public about it, the culprit would be indicted and imprisoned or fined for causing public panic.  How can the US government get away with this?  WE, the next generation of voters, need to stop this before it gets worse.

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