
Marine Corps!

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Ok, well I would like to attend the Naval Academy and become a Marine Corps Officer but I don't think that I will be able to afford the fees, should I enlist at 17 and have them pay for my college? How will I be able to finish my senior year? And I would like to stay in the M.C for maybe 21 years so how will I get to college? Will there be "college" course in the Marine Corps? I'm kinda confused and stressed so help me...

Thanks :]




  1. first finish high school then enlist,take some college coarses during this time .near the end of your first tour apply for the academy and go from there.the USMC will help you with college while you are in.

  2.   In the event you are fortunate enough to get an appointment to Annapolis, it will cost you nothing to attend.  It's not that easy however.  To secure an appointment, you need to write to your state representative and ask him or her to recommend you as a candidate to attend Annapolis.

    If you do nothing else, you must finish high school.  Without your high school diploma, you're dead in the water as far as higher education is concerned.

    The Marine Corps will not simply pay for your education until you have properly served your tour of duty.  Without a college education, you will more than likely serve in the enlisted ranks. Following your discharge from active duty you can attend college, and the military will help pay your way through college.  It's not a normal undertaking to serve on active duty and attend classes too, but occasionally it happens if you have the right circumstances.

    It's way too early for you to commit to serving 21 years in the Marine Corps until you even know if you will like military life.  I would suggest that you reserve your opinion until you have a few years under your belt.

    College courses are not normally offered in the Marine Corps, that is, unless your MOS requires that you attend.  This question is best answered by a Marine Corps recruiter.  When you are nearing enlistment age, you should make an appointment to talk to a recruiter.

  3. as far as i thought... when you get accepted into the naval academy, you're studying for a degree while learning military operations... once you complete the academy you'll have a degree already which is why you become an officer in the first place... from what i understand that is all paid for if you're accepted and continue to pass... and you can always attend or continue college while serving active duty...

  4. i don't think lee d finished high school.  look at his spelling.  jesus.  most of the Marines i was with that wanted to be lifers were the ones who got in trouble and popped on p**s tests.  so keep an open mind.  

  5. First off there is no "cost" associated with the service academies. If you qualify and are accepted the school is free.  Second, finish high school. Don't let ANYONE talk you into enlisting before you have that diploma. Every study the military has done, on the subject, has shown that high school graduates out perform non graduates throughout their enlistments. That is in promotions, desired job placement, etc. All the services have college courses available. Some on base courses and some by correspondence. However if you really want to be an officer it's best to go to college first. Getting your college education after you enlist will take a lot longer as classes are always start and stop due to transfers from base to base. A college degree could take as much as ten years due to having to meet military needs first.

  6. What ever you do get it in writting. Young people are so glullible.The recuriters will tell you anything you want to hear. trust knowone. I repete, get it in writting.  

  7. You need to apply for the NROTC Scholarship in high school. If you get it then you can choose to go to a school that has the NROTC program and everything will be paid for. If you enlist then you will finish high school and leavet to bootcamp after graduation. Every base has a joint education center where you can take classes or you can take them online. If you want and have the desire to get a degree you will be able to do it in the Marine Corps.

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