
Marriage issue?

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Alright so I refuse to have children, and I also refuse to be married. But if you have a very good career, make more than enough money for you and a child, and are perfectly mentally stable, would a foreign country let you adopt? I'm thinking Cambodia. But really just in general.




  1. I don't know if you're American, but there are no adoptions coming from Cambodia to the US due to the problems of child trafficking in adoption from Cambodia.  Cambodia needs to rework their adoption process before the US wlll allow Cambodian adoptions to continue. Other countries still allow Cambodian adoptions but I'm not sure which ones do and which ones don't.

    All that aside, part of the homestudy process includes exploring your reasons and motivation for adoption.  Your feelings about marriage and childbirth may or may not affect the homestudy process.  Your reason for refusing to bear children will be asked.  

    Some international programs do allow singles to adopt, others do not. This is within the discretion of the country in question.  

    I don't know you, so I'm not going to judge your ability to parent a child from this one question.  I'll just respectfully suggest that you do a lot of research and self examination on the subject.

    Good luck.

  2. Yes most will. Go to this website. Hop this helps!!

  3. You can adopt right her from the US if you wanted to.  I know a lot of adoption agency just care if you are in a good position to provide a loving, stable home for a child.  You do not have to married to adopt.

  4. Yes some will.

  5. I'm confused.  If you refuse to have children, wouldn't adopting be having a child?

    Being a parent is more of a commited relationship than marriage.  If you are unwilling to commit to another adult for the rest of your life, are you prepared to commit to a child?  

    I find being an adoptive parent more of a commitment than being a biological parent.  You choose to bring this child into your home and love them and raise them the same as if you had given birth to them.  But also you must be willing to commit to the fact they are different from you and will have seperate needs and wants than a biological child would.

    You will have to commit to letting the child know as much of their heritage and biological background as you can, on top of the gazzillion other parenting commitments and respsobilities.

    And still be able to not look at it, or feel like it is a commitment or responsibility.

  6. It depends on the individual country and their laws.  China has just made it a lot harder to adopt, and you have to meet certain criteria in order to be eligible.  I'm not sure what Cambodia's regulations are.

  7. Thank you! My cousin also doesnt believe in marriage. And I dont think you need a man to be able to function. Um...if Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt can do it, why cant you? My friend was adopted by an American family from Korea...

    I think thats really great of you because there are so many children in other countries that need people like you. The best of luck to you!
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