
Mars Aquarius in the 6th House?

by Guest60573  |  earlier

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What does that mean?




  1. Hi Killer

    Air sign on the 6th affects the nervous system and how you think is how you feel. It gives stubborn health problems and when Aquarius is on the 6th, blood & circulation generally are affected. With Mars,health is strengthened but still predisposes to fevers and accidents.

    This person would probably explore alternative methods of healing, "New Age" technique.

    On another level, it gives good mechanical skills and the type of work demands some efforts and energy. These people believe in mind over matter and likely however, to rebalance their life energies by cultivbating a right mental attitude. Work related i the areas of humanitarian in nature, or computer-related, will figure prominently. Pets that are unusual or exotic are always preferred with this sign on the 6th.

    On a negative level, Mars can bring discord and competition in the work environment, Unless this is carried our with some diplomacy, he or she can find that other people will work against his or her success. Achievment must be coupled with right human relationships.

  2. I won't be profound at all but I would guess;

    1. You would never be satisfied with 9-5 jobs behind a computer unless it is really creative.

    2. You might be on your own trying to be some kind of entrepreneur. Self-employed like. Prefer to work on your own.

    3. might rebel against society conventions..........and go on your own

    4. find your niche and help people in needs, humanitian work

    5. might be rebellious against authority

    6. feel for the underdogs..might be politically involved also.

    7. deep need to present new ideas, not comfortable with the status quo.........


    do not know the rest of your!

  3. planet = what you do

    sign = how you do it

    house = what area of life you do it in.


    Mars is associated with confidence and self assertion, aggression, sexuality, energy, strength, ambition, and impulsiveness

    aqaurius would be a little unconvential, a little quirky, and extroverted, and many other traits, too many to list. google it

    6th house controls work. not career, but work ethic and health


    you do the interpretation.

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