
Masters in Economics ?

by Guest65304  |  earlier

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I just graduated with 3 years undergraduate degree in Math/Stats (non-honors).Now I am staying another year at my University to get second degree in Economics (non honors).

My question is - Is it possible to get into MA program in Canada with double major in Economics and Math/Stats (both non-honors). I have maintained B+ average in all Math, Stats and Economics course uptil now.

Or should I stay another 2 years and get Honors degree in Economics and then apply for MA programs ?

Any response would be appreciated ?

student 21




  1. In my opinion, I think you should stay and get your honors, and then go for your MA.

    You may want to consult with a school counselor on helping you research if it's possible to get an MA in Canada under your circumstances before making a final decision.

  2. Sounds like you are well qualified.  An MA in Econ in the states (I got mine at a state university) is going to require 2 semesters of calculus, more preferred, and linear algebra.

    You will probably be doing real analysis of multivariate cost/production curves, quite a bit of linear algebra as it relates to statistical regression analysis... stuff like that.  With a degree in Math/Stats, you should have no problem.  Especially if you are also getting a degree in Econ -- you'll know the theory and the tools to apply the theory, which is more than most students will probably have.

  3. you can get an Masters in econ..

    just depends on the universty reqs .. check it up with them .. a few should let you do that !!!
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