
Mature reader only please....?

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I'm a college student that knows people that do this...oral s*x. Is it odd that I find it disgusting? The thought of it makes me feel like I'm going to vomit. Is there something wrong with me?




  1. I wonder if you are talking about performing oral s*x on someone else, or having it performed on you.  It would also help to know if you are male or female.  Still, it just boils down to personal preference.  If you don't like it, don't do it -- nobody's holding a gun to your head.  As for me, I very much enjoy going down on a woman.  My wife has some very strong orgasms that way.

  2. Nothing wrong with you it's not for everyone,but you sure are missing a good time.

  3. no of course not, different things float different peoples boats!

  4. No, there isn't something wrong with you. Maybe.. it's just not your cup of tea. Your preference. However.. I hope that the person you are trying this on- is someone like your boyfriend.. or someone you really care about. Your first experience giving oral s*x.. if it's not with the right person- can ruin you. It should be with someone willing to teach you, or understand if you are not comfortable.. have patience with you.. and not force you to do something you do not want to do. ;)

  5. No , there's nothing wrong with you. I also find it disgusting. You're not the only one.

  6. Different strokes for different folks....  Have you tried it freshly showered?  If your partner is male, you could put some honey on him and clean it off.  Or use a cough drop?

  7. LL, nothing wrong with you at all.  As a matter of fact there are many people who have the same feelings as you although you seldom hear about them.  A lot of people actually have problem with anal s*x also.  I have a friend who is in his early 60's and he thinks of anal as very disgusting.  Life is different for us all and we are all entitled to our opinions and beliefs.

  8. allot of people dont like it. are you a girl or guy? try rinsing your mouth out with a strong mouth wash that will numb all your taste buds you may be able to do it that way  

  9. Nope, just not your thing.

  10. No.

    But its a good manipulation tool to get what you want........they will be putty in your hands, my dear.......

  11. Some people are like that but I would NEVER date a woman that felt that way!

  12. I don't even know what to say.  

    I guess in a way you are right, pee does come out of there, but it's just part of the deal.

    I don't think there is anything totally wrong with you but you have to understand that if you don't give then you may not receive and that's a pretty big sacrifice if you ask me:)

  13.'s not something you HAVE to do....or even something everyone does.

    People talk too much about the personal lives.

    Do what feel good for you and your partner and forget what everyone says they do.

  14. I think Freud would call you "sexually repressed".

  15. Some people dont like it, thers nothing wrong with you.

  16. Yes, there is something wrong with you

  17. I think it is normal to feel that way, but oral s*x is totally normal and natural.

  18. No there is nothing wrong with you, if you don't like oral s*x.. However, you are missing out on some good stuff!

  19. my lady had the same problem when we were in college... she would try to do it but found herslef just looking at it... but finally she got past her fears and now she loves it... she says its not bad at all... she loves doing it now... and i love it too.... if you want to do it... try doing 69...

  20. I do not know if you are male or female, but no one should force you to do anything you do not want to and some people do find it disgusitng, however, more people enjoy having it done to them so if you find yourself in a relationship and this person enjoys oral s*x it can be a relationship breaker.

  21. no, you just don't like it....some people do, some don't

  22. It is a very NORMAL sexual everything else in life, it's just a matter of personal's just not for you.

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