
Maybe Americans deserve Obama & biden?

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We had it to good for too long and take all our freedoms for granted,Maybe 4 years of Socialism will wake up the Americans that this country is the greatest country in the world and changing anything is a big mistake.What do you think our enemies want to Change?




  1. Put it this way:  If the Obama/Biden ticket goes through in November, I'm just going to sit back and wait for the liberals to start whining again (as they are prone to doing) and then I'll simply ask "Did you vote for Obama/Biden?  You did?  Then you're getting what you deserve -- now STFU!"

  2. The sensible people do NOT deserve it, even though the liberal Obamaites do. Still we mustn't allow that disgusting pair to seize control and implement their corrupt socialist regime.

    Most Obamaites are so clueless and hypnotized, they don't even know what we're talking about. They're so indoctrinated with hatred of Bush and Republicans, that they don't even realize the harm of putting in someone who's 10 time worse.'

    What's sad, when the harm comes about, these people will never accept responisibility, just as they never did with Clinton. Now, history is destined to repeat itself, except worse.

    B. Hussein's tax agenda will destroy businesses and devastate individuals like never before. He has duped his stupid Obamaites that it will affect "the rich." They're so stupid they don't understand the overall destruction that will occur.

    Hussein-Obama also stands for every sick and rotten liberal cause known to mankind (and also womankind for those of you who are offended at "man"). This includes abortive murder, The Homosexual Agenda and a host of other horrible, hideous causes.

    We could be in terrible danger with our national defence, because Hussein-Obama is an appeaser who will not be able to handle terrorists effectively. You simply can't send a boy to do a man's job.

    Anyway, I have to go. Thanks.

  3. Our enemies can't wait for Obama they see America as weak under his control! He wants to decrease nuclear war heads and cut defense funding they will have a field day with this country! Socialism and taxation is Obama's way of taking away the country from the people yet I don't understand why anyone would vote for the man his own people don't believe in him.Biden stated he was not seasoned or ready for presidency and by picking Biden as V.P. he is agreeing with him and asking for his help! Biden is full of hot air that's all he brings to the table. Biden's tactics are confrontational so I don't see him as a peace making politician even though he may know foreign affairs we must remember we may have a cold war looming close and Obama and Biden are not the dual I want representing this country it's like Mutt and Jeff.  

  4. I would agree with you but after 4 years of turmoil and socialism we may not be able to crawl out of that one. I think we should remember our forefathers and what they went through to get this country where it is. They didn't quit and neither should we.

  5. It sure is tempting -- I'll admit.  Let America have a full dose of  what hippy-dippy, 60s, armchair leftism feels like.  President, Congress. It might take that to drive the wooden stake through their political hearts once and for all.  The only hesitation I have is the world situation.  Islamic terrorism, the resurrection of the USSR..  and not knowing how those space-cases would deal with it.

  6. Oh boy - where to start

    1.  We have had it too good for too long?  Name one 'good' thing we enjoyed under President Bush that we didn't enjoy before?

    2.  Freedoms for granted?  Actually, we have lost freedoms under the Bush watch.  See if you can name some... I can name 3 right without even trying

    3.  America is the greatest country in the world?  So, you think that anyone who believes that America is lagging behind the rest of the world is unpatriotic?  The country is getting passed by Japan, China and most of Europe - we need to regain our leadership!  If you disagree - back it up.

  7. Yeah and if we vote for McCain maybe we'd deserve to go through more voluntary preemptive wars in the name of "freedom". Maybe we'd deserve to have our phones tapped, our houses searched, and our private documents looked at without a proper warrant. Maybe we'd deserve to have the middle and lower classes see little to know tax break while our well off brethren rake in enormous tax benefits. Maybe struggling families should be denied welfare but corporations that squander their money can get welfare. Maybe our troops don't deserve any benefits when they get back from war. Maybe we deserve to have health insurance companies deny us coverage while raking in the profits.  

  8. In four years Obama could destroy this Country. He would just give it away rather than fight for it.. Listen to the way he wants to get rid of all our defenses. Last night he's all for the Armed Services. He's a flip flopping jerk who has no idea of what to do. Wants to Socialize medicine? Ask the Canadians about that.  They wait 3-4 months to get an appointment with a Dr and another 3-4 months to get treatment  (if the Dr thinks it's necessary and their still alive) and forget about 2nd opinions.

  9. We had it good for too long...?

    I don't know what country you've been living in, but its been about 8 years or so since I could say that.

    I'd like to be able to say it again relatively soon, say within 6 months as opposed to 4 years.  You can complain about Socialism all you want, but I've personally grown tired of the Facism of these past 8 years, so I'll take the Democracy I was promised.

    And if you consider Democracy an entitlement, then maybe the enemies over there aren't the enemies of America I should be worrying about.  It would look like I have some right here...

  10. yoou have to admit, anything would be better than going from a trade surplus to a deficit, failed foreign policies, and a world approval rate of less than 40%. even a war crazed bigeot would do better than bush.

  11. At least a good half of this nation doesn't deserve it!  

    I am disgusted with fellow Americans who have jumped on the Bush-bashing-bandwagon.  At the very onset of this war, President GW Bush looked us in the face and said it would be a long and projected struggle to overcome Al-Qaida, and we all said "GO FOR IT! WE'RE WITH YOU!"...BUT ALAS, the instant-microwave mentality kicked in for many, and the Democrat politicians seized the opportunity, and now they have abandoned the mission and have turned on our leader!  Instead, they now want an inexperienced, idealistic, mystery-man to lead this nation.  

    Dear Lord!

    As for "CHANGE" still hasn't been adequately identified or defined.  The best they can come up with is "anybody other than a Republican" which brings us back to your question: do we deserve it?  

    I would say yes, except that I know that at least half of this country still has it's wits about them, and shouldn't have to suffer for the ignorance of the Democrats and what they represent.

  12. I don't think America can afford universal medicare, but I would rather spend money on that than on war with Iran, Do Americans deserve a president who breaks out in song when asked about foriegn affairs..

    "bomb bomb bomb.. bomb bomb Iran" should never be an answer from a president.

  13. Yes, we by God do deserve them after what we have put up with the last 8 yrs. We have lost more fundamental freedoms these past Bush yrs than we ever did under Clinton.  

  14. OK, heres a Canadian to answer you on health care...

    We believe in universal health care, in that EVERYONE gets NECCESSARY care. Nobody left behind. Sure, wait times could be shorter, and people who can afford to, may pay extra or even fly South for faster, cosmetic, or preferred care.

    Myself, part of being a taxpayer is that it makes me proud those WITHOUT the money to spare can STILL take care of themselves and their kids. No child is left behind in their health, as well as education.

    I am willing to take the bad with the good in that - after all everyone may be out of work or seriously injured at some point, why should it cripple a whole family?

    On your wars... good luck cleaning up the mess overseas. Do more about your own problems... Oklahoma City was caused by homegrown terrorism before 911 was caused by extremist Saudis. Not to mention, American support for the IRA! What exactly did Afhan or Iraqi citizens do to get your attention instead? And Iran is next, right? Huh. How about looking after your own people before cherry-picking where else in the world to dictate to.

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