
Mean Girls quote... Please help!?

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Does anyone know - or know where i can find the quote Cady Haron [Lindsey Lohan] says while she is in the mathletes competition & its the final and she has to answer question about limits? Shes talking about her opponent...

Please help me people, i really need to find out for a play I'm doing :)

Thank you so much to everybody that replys! x x x




  1. you could watch the movie and write it down.

    fyi, that movie script isnt out and illegal 2 copy. my cousin is trying 2 do the same thing @ her school, and i warned her 2. i wouldn't put on a rendition of mean girls if i were u, and if authorities find out, u could be in a lot of trouble.

    on the other hand, if u just wanted that line, go ahead watch the movie and write it down

  2.  Maybe here  

  3. Miss Caroline Krafft seriously

    needed to pluck her eyebrows.

    Her outfit looked like it was picked out

    by a blind Sunday school teacher.

    And she had some -cent

    lip gloss on her snaggletooth.

    And that's when I realized,

    making fun of Caroline Krafft

    wouldn't stop her

    from beating me in this contest.

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