
Mean Uncles wedding? (Please read)?

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I have recently been invited to my uncles wedding.

There are 2 problems. 1) He has been very rude to both myself and my family. Every time we see him there is almost guaranteed to be a rude comment. Not just a snide remark or insult humor (which we like!) but just down right mean remarks. Meant to be hurtful and not at all funny.

2) His wife to be is even worse. On top of being mean like he is she has even gone so far as to make various racist statements. (Myself and my family hates racism!) She is even worse.

I really don't like either of them at all but since it is family am I obligated to attend? If I do not attend what should I say?




  1. Not going is only stooping to their level. Besides if the bride trips while walking down the isle wouldn't you want to be there? I would come up with a list of insults to throw back at them, ranging in severity.

    Start by saying "You've always been such a supportive positive role model. Not to mention funny. If I didn't know better I would think that when you said ___________ I would think that you meant that as an insult."  If he doesn't get a clue increase in severity.

    Tell the bride " I hope you didn't marry for money because you're going to be VERY disappointed."

    Say really loudly " WHITE...WHITE?...Who does she think she's fooling?"

    You get the point.

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