
Meaning of Korean letter ì•„?

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How do I pronounce this letter? And what does this letter mean? and how can it be used 아? Thanks for your help!!!! I will choose best answer




  1. It means "Ah"

  2. 아 is pronounced as "ah". If you write it in hanja (traditional chinese characters), the meaning is "Asia". I know because it's part of my name Jung AH and I study Chinese characters. As for 반, it means "Opposition", as in 반대. It's pronounced "bahn". These are the meanings of the characters themselves.

    EDIT: 반 the WORD means half but the character itself means opposition.

    2nd EDIT: Ok, so here's how it is. To clear up this whole Ban thing. Ban the WORD means half. The character Ban as in Bandae or DBSK's song O. Jung Ban Hap means opposition or anti-.

    Korean characters -the ones used since the old days when Korean was based on Chinese characters- have core meanings in the single characters themselves such as "ah" and stuff. However, Korean characters are much more simplified so they usually write and pronounce different Chinese characters the same way. In Chinese, half is "ban" while the other Korean "ban" meaning opposition is pronounced "fan" in Chinese. Since you asked for the meaning of the character, I assumed you meant the opposition one, but the meaning of the WORD  "ban" in korean is half. There are not several meanings of "ban", the WORD ban is half but the CHARACTER "ban" means opposition. If you were to write those two bans in Hanja, they would be COMPLETELY differently written. Sorry if this is confusing; I would love to show you the characters themselves in Hanja. Hope you can see this:

    反- Korean pronounced "Ban" as in 반대.

          Chinese pronounced "Fan" meaning opposition, anti-

    半- Korean pronounced "Ban" as in 숙재 반 했어.

          Chinese pronounced "Ban" meaning half, semi-,      incomplete

  3. 아 = Ah (like when you're say "Ah, I see")

    아 is like the Korean version of "Oh". The character itself alone doesn't have much meaning, but if you put two or more characters with it, then it will have meaning. (e.g.: 아가씨 [ah-gah-ssee]= girl).

    반 = bahn

    반 means half.

    Example would be 반말 (bahn-mal), which means 'non-polite style' or 'informal use of words'.

    EDIT: Mm...nope. Bahn is just one character. If you put other characters WITH it then it becomes a totally different word. Bahn, just itself, means "half". Hope that helped.

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