
Meaning of doppelganger in german?

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Meaning of doppelganger in german?




  1. I have seen it used to mean several things,for example..."I saw your exact double" "I saw somebody who looks exactly like you"....In spy novels it is used to mean an "Imposter"....a fake you...somebody who is trying to impersonate you for nefarious purposes....

  2. The literal translation of "doppleganger" (or dopplegaenger, if spelled properly) in German is "double walker".  It has come to mean something that something that doubles as a living being (usually in a evil or sinister sense).

  3. theres not one. there is no meaning for that word

  4. The right word is - Doppelgaenger - and means there is a person who looks very much the same like somebody else.

    I think in english it's called a double.

  5. There is no clear origin of the word "Doppelgänger". It is told to stem from esoteric circles where you could be taught to separate your etherical body from the physical body, thus creating a Doppelgänger of yourself in another place who can perform tasks on your behalf, like an avatar in a video game, but with real physical effects. The concept of the Doppelgänger, although maybe unwillingly, was introduced into English by the writings of anthropologist Carlos Castaneda in the late 1960s/early 70s. "The road to Ixtlan" is one of his most important works, although he doesn't mention the word "Doppelgänger" in it.

    There has been the concept of a Doppelgänger in German and Jewish mythology ever since, combinded with the concept that a Doppelgänger not onlyis your image in the mirror, but turns out the dark side of your personality. Frankenstein is one example, Jekyll and Hide are also classics, and with some sense for literature, the image of Graf Dracula (Vlad Dracul) is the daytime/nighttime scheme which turns people from good to bad.

    Sigmund Freud, the famous founder of psychoanalytics, used the term "Doppelgänger" or "innerer Doppelgänger" for what we'd now call the "inner self", in contrary to the "outer self", the "I".

    In colloquial German, you use the term "Doppelgänger" for a person who almost looks like you, as has already been mentioned.

  6. well as far as I know it means some one that is a near exact duplicate or clone of you!

  7. a Doppengänger is for example one person that looks almost exactly like ...britney -the victim- spears

  8. Wulf is 100 % correct very good explanation.

    @Alwin sorry to contradict you the word you mean is 'Widergänger'

  9. Doppelgänger = body double



  10. Doppelganger is like kinder garden.

    You don't get more German origin of a word without

    using umlauts. Switch a with ä and you have the

    German word.

  11. A "Doppelgänger" is nothing else but a so called "look-a-like" or "double". Somebody who looks like someone else. Often found in celebrity competitions such as "Elvis" or whoever look-a-likes competitions.

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