
Meat balls round? I think not.

by  |  earlier

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If they have "Ball" in their name why the **** aren't they perfectly round like a ball? Kind of pisses me off really.




  1. Because it is very ******* hard to make a perfect balls,  just live with lumpy ones for now. until someone invents the "perfect meatball roller"

  2. crab cakes dont look like cakes now do they... calm yourself

  3. Now there's a question to make you go HHhmmmm???

    Maybe you can start a trend and call them "Meat Rocks"

    or "Meat lumps" or something.  

  4. The world is not perfect=no perfectly round meatballs.

  5. I have seen the aforementioned that were shaped like a rugby ball, they don't bounce correctly either.

    Kia ora from an All Black's fan.

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