
Media and countries?

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i have to write a feature article on how the media views a certain country (of my choice) but i am unsure on how to go about this can anyone recommend a good country to use or anythng else

i also have to use the aid of poems to back up my point .

ay help apprciated





  1. it would be so much easier if you choose countries that are not exactly media friendly. then you have a lot to talk about.

    like: iran, iraq, north korea, syria, zimbabwe

    russia, china and isreal would be interesting to do too.

    with all these countries you can actually argue if the media's point of view is merely bias or not.

    as for poems, I have no idea how you are going to fit those in there. There are thousands of persian poems for iran, (I had to read the roobyat for engl. 10 actually) russians probably are into literature too.

    anyways choose a country that makes a lot of buzz...that's gonna make it way easier.

    good luck!

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