
Medicaid in Florida...?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I am freakin out pretty bad right now. I am 8 weeks pregnant with no health insurance, and just got denied by Medicaid in Florida, because I make too much money! BTW, I make $14 an hour, and bring home $415 a week. Which is HARDLY well off, especially in my county where the cheapest rent I could find is 1,000 a month. But obviously the state of Florida thinks I make way too much money to need help with prenatal care and delivery. I guess they would rather you quit your job when you get pregnant instead of trying to be a contribution to society... Grrrr...Anyway, all I qualify for is "Medically Needy" which means I have to pay at least $2207 a month in medical bills before I get help (and how could I possibley do that when I dont even bring home that much??). Obviously that will be no help except maybe for the labor itself.... Does anyone know of any programs in Florida that I may qualify for, or insurance policies I could purchase that would help cover a preexisting pregnany?




  1. just quit your job and work under the table.  Middle to lower class is getting buried in this country.

  2. To Be honest,It will take a little time to find the answer for the question of yours.have a look at the resource here for your reference .http://health-insurance.onlinebestoffer....

  3. I can answer the last part of your question.  There is no insurance you can purchase to cover this pregnancy.  It is considered a pre-existing condition and is like buying car insurance after you have a wreck.  It just won't work.  As for the other part, I am glad you are still trying to work and help yourself as much as possible.  Where is the father?  Is he able to help at all.  If not, you should talk to the doctor and hospital (maybe you can use home delivery and get a mid-wife) and work out a monthly payment that you can afford.

    Good luck with the pregnancy.

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