
Medicine and the School Nurse?

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In the state of Texas can the school nurse administer common drugs like tylenol/ ibuprofen that they have on sight? Or are they not allowed to administer any medicine unless brought in by a parent. I really appreciate your input. And if you have any links I would really appreciate it.




  1. You will need to call your school district office and ask.  I'm not in Texas, but I know in our district the only medicine a school nurse can administer is what is brought in by the parents WITH a doctor's note.  Good luck

  2. It's going to depend on the school.

    My daughter's school has a form that you can sign saying that the school nurse is allowed to give a paracetamol to your child if she asks for it for period pain or a headache.

  3. other drugs cant be admited by the school nurse

  4. I'm in Texas and the school nurse at my son's elementary school will dispense tylenol/ibuprofen...


    I must provide her with an UNOPENED box and provide a note stating that she may dispense as directed as needed.

    My son suffers from migraines and that's why we do this.

  5. At my school here in Ohio, the nurse is only allowed to administer something that has been brought in by a parent and an accompanying Dr's note. Also, a letter is sent home requesting permission from parents or carers on whether anesthetic can be given in the case of severe injury while awaiting ambulance or parents.

    But I'm in an entirely different state so you'd have to check with your district and the school your child(ren) go to.  

  6. here in CA. u need to have a request for medication to be taken during schoo hours. like my son his ADHD he need to take some meds so i have to have my son doctor fill out a form coming from my son school for them to be able to give meds...without that i don't think there allowed to give meds to any student for safety reason (such as allergy).

  7. This is going to be a long answer...but it was easier than putting in the link and telling you to find it.  I live in Texas, and my kids are in Klein Independent School District.  This was taken from the Elementary Student Handbook, but as far as I know....all of the schools follow the same rules.  Good Luck...sorry I couldn't do any better!!

    1. Administering Medication

    Klein school personnel are not permitted to give medication of any kind, including

    analgesics, similar preparations, or any other drugs, unless the parent requests in

    writing that there is a need for such medication and the parent provides the

    medication. If the circumstances are questionable, the school employee reserves

    the right to deny the parent's request. Students will be scheduled to come to the

    clinic for medicines. Due to the large number of medicine administrations each day,

    a request to administer medication may result in lost instructional time each day.

    When administering prescription medicines, the school district would prefer to have a

    written statement from a physician or dentist licensed to practice in the United

    States. Information, however, placed on a prescription label, if it is precise and clear

    to the school nurse, may be substituted for the above-noted statement. The

    prescription must be filled by a pharmacist licensed to practice in the United States.

    If prescription medicine is required, it must be in its original container, kept in locked

    storage in the office of the school nurse or of the principal’s designee, and

    administered by the nursing staff or a school employee.

    All prescription medications must be brought to and picked up at the clinic by a

    parent or guardian. The school may accept a sufficient quantity of medicine for one

    month. Upon receipt, the medicine will be inventoried and discrepancies reported to

    parents. Only prescription medication needed for the student to remain in school will

    be administered. No vitamins, health food, or herbal preparations will be given by

    the school nurse. Non-prescription medications will only be administered for a

    period of two weeks with written parental permission. A physician’s note will be

    required for any non-prescription medication needed for longer than two weeks.

    The above is not intended to prevent a student from having in his or her possession

    and taking analgesics, allergy tablets, or other similar non-prescription medication

    during the school day. The medication must be in its original container. It is strongly

    recommended that the student go to the clinic or nurse's office, since the

    consumption of pills in any form during the school day or on the school campus

    increases the likelihood of a student being mistakenly charged with a violation of the

    district's policy on drug abuse.

    Medication with limited duration will be administered for the time prescribed on the

    label, and any leftover medicine not picked up by the parent will be destroyed after

    two weeks.

  8. they can't give medicine unless you bring it and its in a prescription bottle

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