
Meditation Karate?

by Guest59319  |  earlier

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What is the slow type of karate you see on films when the person is channeling energy through slow karate...its sort of meditating as well???




  1. yer it's tai chi a spirutual martial art to relaz yourself.

  2. Besides Tai Chi there is also a way of doing katas or forms in what they call Ten Sho or isometrically.  That is that the force of the movement is slightly greater than the resistance created by the person doing it.  Coordinating your breathing with this is also extremely important and you sometimes see karateka do such katas without their tops.  This way you can observe the rising and sinking of their chest while they inhale and exhale, tightening their trunk muscles on the extension or end of a technique.  There are in fact some katas that are Ten Sho katas and are done that way when being performed while others have some Ten Sho moves in them or none at all.   Doing them Ten Sho allows the karateka to observe his techniques for any imperfections as well as develop his strength and power throughout entire motion of the technique and coordinate the movement with the breathing and inner-strength or Ki of the karateka and is one of the old training methods for developing this.

  3. Tia Chi and enjoy its good to learn !!
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