
Megalomania and Malignant Narcissism?

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I know that malignant narcissim is where a person has a sense of gradeur, a psycological need for power, and has a lack of conscience/empathy, while still occasionly internalizing aggresive, sadistic or powerful people/behaviours of other people. So in which ways are the different from a megalomaniac? Are they the same thing? Is one the symptom of the other?

Please don't answer if you honstly don't know unless you have a link for something that might explain it. Details are appreciated, but not vital.

PS - I've placed this under sociology because I believe narcsissim is not a technical psychopathic disorder, but rather a sociopathic disorder. Am I wrong?




  1. Well very often, psychopathic disorders become sociopathic disorders because of the victim's role and behavior among society.  

    My younger brother has malignant narcissism.  He thinks he's SUCH hot stuff, and now I know why!  He has EVERY ONE of those symptoms you named.  The sense of grandeur, control freak behavior, lack of conscience (he knows right from wrong but sometimes it seems he doesn't care or think of consequences), etc...At first, we thought he was just joking, you know how people (especially men), do, "I'm s**y, and you're not."  However, he has all of those.  And he always brings it up.  (He's only 13, though, so maybe it's just immaturity.)

    Anyway, go to google, and google both problems.  They will show up on Wikipedia.

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