
Memorizing lines?

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I am in a play and have about 4 different monologues and i need to memorize them fast! any quick tips? i have tried using a tape recorder but the problem with that is it only stays in my brain if i repeat it exactly as i said it when it was recorded. Any ideas?




  1. Stop memorizing.

    If you rely on memorizing you will always rely on memorizing.

    The piece isn't about the words its about the moment.  Study the moments.  Find that place.  The moment induces the thought and the thought induces the line.  Say the first line, and if you have been studying enough, I'll bet when you find the next moment that you'll know the words (line) that go with that thought, too.

    Memorizing is an awful way to do it.

  2. Awesome. What play are you in?

    I always read through it about three times then hand the monologue to my friend and see how much of the general idea of gotten, then read through it again (read it through out loud).

    I'm sorry, this probably doesn't help much. That is just what helps me.

    Break a leg! =)

  3. write as neat as you can to get it in you.  write it ten times each night till you have it.  to know that you have after each ten time try to say it aloud without the script. once you have it you want to continue writing, just not as much.

  4. I read it through until I get the general idea. Then I read the first line until i get it. Even if I have to say it. Then I say the first and second line until I get it. And so on

  5. Sarah K. is right, write as much as possible, when you can write the entire monologue with out thinking about it, then you know you've got it, then start repeating it out loud, that reinforces it in your mind. And it don't hurt to know the idea behind the monologue.

  6. Try to find the biggest points in each monologue, almost like outlining a report. Jot down the bullet points and memorize THOSE, and then go about the usual reading-over-and-over-blah-blah-blah; that way, when you are reciting the monologue, your brain will automatically go through all the bullet points, and you'll be shocked what you can remember.
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