
Men and women ..come here?

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if your spouse never got you a christmas present or birth day card..but got family a xmas present.. were talking cousin..not children.what would you think?.but he is stingy when it come even to his own kids




  1. All I can say is find him some help and pray.Only God may know why.

  2. i'd be insulted.

  3. he deffinatly has a insecurity issue, hes buying for others because he wants to look big.

    you will need to be the one to look after the kids

  4. He's a cheapskate. He figures he can't hide it from the family, so he doesn't try. He doesn't want the relatives to talk about, though. Basically, he's a d**k. Buy your own "from him." Tell him thank you. See d**k run.  

  5. That sounds pretty weird. I'd be quite offended. Actually, I wouldn't even be in the marriage anymore.

  6. You spouse need to put his priorities straight. His children and wife come first, then the rest of the family. Reminds are good. If the child need a pair of shoes that is the best present she should get. Anything else would be wasting the money you don't have in something she doesn't need.

    Anna del C.

    Author of "The Elf and the Princess"

    and "Trouble in the Elf City"

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