
Men only? Could you please describe ....?

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What is actually FEELS like for a man to have an erection, but NOT be able to to anything about it?





  1. Don't like to walk

  2. It feels like a thirst unquenched.

  3. im not sure what you are asking here. in jr high it happened to me always in 2nd period. i hated that, because it was english class and i usually got one when i had to get up and stand in front of the class and talk about my report. it just feels like something stiff, i guess. most of the time an erection feels good. and usually i do something about it. it is either caused by horniness or having to go pee. like i will wake up at night and have to go really bad and my erection will be holding it in, so i will get up, wait... wait... wait some more... and then when it is just a chubby then let it out. otherwise it is dark and i am pissing on everything in the bathroom. if it is the other cause, i will either have s*x or m********e or wait till it goes down and then have s*x or m********e later when i can. sometimes its a half erection, sometimes its so hard it throbs... i hope this is helping you understand. anyway, i suppose it feels the same as a woman's nipples getting hard, but on a larger scale, and down on your no-no.

  4. horny...

  5. tight. because pants don't usually allow for much movement down there.

    Ever notice if a guy has pulled his jumper or shirt down over his pants a fair bit? Or why he insists on leaning forward onto his desk?

    Also, embarrassing. They are often clearly visible, no matter how hard we try to hide it, and I would like to thank the general community for deciding not to point it out when this unfortunate set of circumstances occur.

    It sometimes hurts if it can't move into the position it normally goes (straight up), and actually sometimes good if it is cramped in the correct way (i.e just enough room for it to get into correct position, but still restricting.)

    I have, however, met some guys that always do something about it.

    There was a rumor at my school, that one guy, whenever he got a .... he would go and relieve it. Every time. Even in class. I only know this from a rumor.

    I'll stop rambling now.

  6. kind of like menstrating I suppose.

  7. real awkward, like your really dont wanna stand up

  8. Embarrassing, because you don't want it to happen now, so you try to hide it and think about something else.... like vomit.

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