
Men only <span title=":p!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111?">:p!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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i pre - ejaculation only but i dont ejaculat like after the precum

im 13

is there someting wrong with me?

no dumb answers please




  1. Thats actually normal cause your still young wait a bit longer and you will actually ejaculate your still going through puberty so don&#039;t worry  

  2. No, it just means you haven&#039;t *** yet.

    m********e longer :P.  And, if it doesn&#039;t feel good, stop until next year and try again.  If it doesn&#039;t feel good you won&#039;t ***.

  3. Just keep goin... just cause you pre- ejac.. then that doesn&#039;t mean your completely finished.. keep goin for another 2 minutes until the prize inside comes

  4. nah thats perfectly normal, when your actually with a girl instead of beating off like ur doing, it will change

  5. You haven&#039;t hit puberty yet. Just wait. Before you can fully ejaculate you will sometimes only pre-ejaculate. Don&#039;t worry about it.

  6. Good things happen to those who wait. It&#039;s coming, and you will too.

  7. No there is nothing wrong with you. Your testicles probably aren&#039;t matured enough. Give it some months.

  8. It may be that you are too young still (if so it will only be a few months) -- it may be that you aren&#039;t continuing long enough.  If I were you I would use some hand lotion as lubricant and keep going after it precame, see if it doesn&#039;t feel better and better and then BAM.

    Regardless, there is NOTHING wrong with you.  You are wonderful just as you are!!!

    Kind thoughts,


  9. you are 13, for goodness sake. have patience.


  10. it will happen soon..relax... still growing

  11. Either you&#039;re not masturbating to climax or you&#039;re still just a little bit too young to produce ejaculate.  If you&#039;ve got pre c u m then the real thing is just around the corner and it&#039;s time for you to have something handy to clean up with every time you m********e.

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